Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

Many people don't know that the apple cider vinegar is considered as the big-five versatile foods.

Beverage Daily analysis 85 different ingredients in one study and found that the green tea, ACV, ginger, ginseng and turmeric are most used super-foods in all health categories.

They also discovered that the use of ACV has increased by 86% compare to last four years.

So, why you should start using the apple cider vinegar in your daily life?

In this article, we'll going to talk about the evidence based benefits of the apple cider vinegar.

Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Control The Blood Sugar

There is no doubt that the diabetes is the most common diseases in all over the world. 

but, what you think it is the best weapon to fight against this deadliest disease?

The Answer is YES!, It is, According to one study done by the journal of the American of diabetes in 2004.

In this study, participants had a meal made from a bagel, OJ and butter. After the meal they had given 20 to 30 grams of ACV.

Researcher checked blood sugar levels 60 minutes after the meal. They found that ACV will help participants to reduced after meal sugar levels significantly.

Other several studies also found that the ACV reduced the morning blood sugar levels after drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the night.

Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

Does that means apple cider vinegar can cure diabetes?

The simple answer is NO! it may moderately help you to reduced blood glucose levels but it can't replace your diabetes's medicines. but you can add apple cider vinegar in your diabetes treatment plan(If you don't have any kidney problem).

2. Anti Fungal And Antibacterial Properties 

Rebecca Lee, a New York City nurse and founder of RemediesForMe.com said that ACV has capability to prevent growth of bacteria and fungal in the human-body. 

she also said that it will not only prevent from growing but it will also kill pathogens, including bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar has been also used by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine for wound cleaning, disinfecting, and also for treating nail fungus.

A naturopathic doctor and clinical hypnotherapist,  Laura C. Stix, ND explain that ACV increase stomach acid means the pH levels of stomach goes down, which helps kill any bad bacteria that we may get exposed to trough our meals.

If you want to preserve any cooked food or meal, then you should use apple cider vinegar in your foods to keep it fresh for long-time.

Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

Some other studies also shows that the ACV help to clean chronic vaginal fungal infection and another study also found that if a person has a denture stomatitis, a fungal infection caused by candida species then ACV can kill this bacteria.

Because of ACV's antibacterial properties, it can help you to remove your acne on your face and even combat foot odour. However, there are very limited evidence to prove this.

3. A Natural Fat Burner

Most people start using Apple Cider Vinegar because they have misconception that ACV will reduce their weight or belly fat in one night or a week.

Well, this is true but ACV won't shows its magic until and unless you follow proper diet plan and exercises for weight-loss.

One study shows significant evidence of above notion that when a person drink ACV along side a meal, they felt fuller and ended up with eating less calories by the end of the day.

Another study found that when a person drinks one or two tablespoons of ACV daily for 12 weeks led to reduce body weight and even waist circumference and other measures.

However, keep in mind that these both studies went on for 3 months, so there may be difference in body weight because it depends more on diet and lifestyle. 

Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

So, I believe if you start using ACV today then it will help you to see some results in your body but at modest peace. If you want to speed up this process, try to add some other effective methods along with this.

4. Hair and Skin Care

Many people also use ACV as a hair conditioner to improve hair's shine and smoothness.

If your hair looks dirty and dull lately and no other hair products work then mix 1 tbsp of ACV with water and pour it over your head after shampooing. 

A lot of people use this remedy for a couple of weeks and ACV made their hair red carpet alike.

while there is no scientific evidence of this benefit, the acidic nature of vinegar may lend itself to hair use.
Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

The ACV has an anti-inflammatory and pH balancing property that makes it an effective remedy for acne treatment and a skin toner.

A lot of natural beauty products use it as an  ingredient in their skin care lines. Some people even use ACV straight out of the bottle as their facial toner which Professional don't recommend.

ACV is also used by celebrities to as an anti-ageing toner  because of its powerful anti-oxidant abilities. Apple cider vinegar maintain your skin pH levels and therefore your skin looks fresh every time  after you put ACV on your skin.

5. Improve Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. only in the united states about About 610,000 people die of heart disease every year.

However, there are many other factors which are the reason for decreased or increased risk of heart attack.

The level of these 'Risk Factors' can be reduced by increasing vinegar consumption. However, all the studies related to ACV effects on Heart health were done in animals.

These animal studies shows that apple cider vinegar can lower the cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

The ACV is a combination of many different type of helpful acids and one of them is The chlorogenic acid which reduced the blood pressure and the LDL also know as bad cholesterol in the rats which is one of the major risk factor for heart disease.

Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

The only one human evidence so far is an observational study from Harvard showing that women who ate salad with apple cider vinegar had a less risk of hear disease than women who don't.

Now! You may think that if there is no scientific proof of improved hear health then why we should use it? As you know, there are other factors which cause a heart attack such as high sugar levels and diabetes and ACV can help to reduce this high levels. 

Thus, low risk of getting heart attack.

6. Protective Effects Against Cancer

Cancer is another terrible disease characterised by the uncontrolled growth of cells. 

Many people claims that ACV has an anti-cancer capabilities. 

In fact, some studies have shown that different type of vinegar can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

However, all the studies on this were done in either isolated test tubes or on the rats, which proves nothing about the Protective effects of ACV against cancer in breathing human-being.

Other observational studies shows that vinegar consumption can increase or decreased number of cancer. For instance, vinegar consumption increased bladder cancer in Serbia and decreased esophageal cancer in China.
Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

Why Should I Use Apple Cider Vinegar

I know, you read all  the main benefits of ACV but the main Question is Why Should We use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the most used vinegar in all other types of vinegar because of its benefits and many fitness coaches and celebrities recommend it.
Many Beauty Brands use ACV to make beauty products for hair and skin so instead of using mix ACV with you can use it as a raw which has more benefits than used one.

Many of the above experiments had been done on animals but there are also some community who promote the use of ACV based on their experience with it.

Disease related to Diabetes and Heart-attack has become increased day-by-day. If you want to control your sugar level or the chance of Heart-attack, try to add 2-3 tablespoons of ACV in your meal.

Evidence based Benefits: Why You Should USE Apple cider vinegar?

How Much Should You Drink per Day?

Well, the doses of ACV totally depends on why you want to drink it? 

For Blood Sugar Control: Four Teaspoons(20 ml) before Meal

For PCOS: 15 ml with 100 ml water

For Weight Loss: 1-2 tablespoons(15-30 ml) each day for 2 or 3 months

For Improved Digestion: 15-30 ml

Final Thoughts

ACV is considered as multi-purpose vinegar because of its benefits in many health problems.

When I knew about The benefits of ACV, I started drinking it for 2 months along with the calorie deficit diet and It showed result. 

Without any proper diet or medication of your health problems, apple cider vinegar won't shows any magic.

I would like to know how many of you know all the benefits of ACV and already drinking along with your diet?
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