How I Get Huge and Muscular Forearm in 28 Days | Science Explained

Before starting Article, let me ask you one question: Which body-part most people do not train?

Any guess?

Ok! You came to this article because you want to get muscular forearm like Phil Heath, Roelly Winklaar, or Jeff Seid.

However, it doesn't come that easy because it depends on mainly your genetics. so if your forefather's had small forearms then you can't do many things to build massive and muscular forearms.

Although people have a vast knowledge of exercises and diet, there are not able to get particular muscle's definition.

That's why I will going to talk about the science based forearm workout for big and muscular forearm.

Understanding of Anatomy

How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained

Many people do a lot of exercise for all body parts but unable to get muscular definition of particular muscle.

Because of that it is very important to understand the anatomy of the muscle before doing the workout.

There are total 20 muscles in forearm between the elbow and wrist but don't worry you don't need to train them all.

However, you're going to train only two muscles here: Anterior(Front) and Posterior(Back).

Anterior muscles have flexors which are mainly responsible for wrist and finger flexion and also help you to change the position of your hand(i.e. supernated or pronated).

Exactly opposite to that Posterior muscles extensors which performs wrist and finger extension and also help you to change the position of hand like flexors.

So without these muscles it is not possible to change the position of your forearms in any exercises.

From all the forearm muscles only 5 of them perform elbow flexion and forearm pronation, however, we'll talk about only Brachioradialis(Most prominent Forearm muscle).

How many Sets, Reps, Frequency of Forearm Workout

I saw many people in Indian gym who trained their forearms more than the legs which is not good indication of muscular forearm.

Because while training other compound exercises you're already trained your front muscles of forearm.

Therefore, you should be doing 2-3 exercises and 2-3 sets per exercise. Make sure your rep range should be somewhere between 10 to 20.

Because forearms have more smaller muscles than any other body parts and if you train more then there are likely chance to injured your forearm muscles.

A study done by Boyes NG says that if a person doing forearm workout 10 times per week then his development of forearm is similar to the person performing forearm workout 3 times per week.

So, try to do forearm workout at least 2-4 times a week and if you're a power-lifter or weight-lifter then once in a week is sufficient.

Exercises For Huge and Muscular Forearms

1. Brachioradialis Builder

The best exercise for hitting the Brachioradialis is barbell reverse curls as well as hammer curls. but there are a lot of different variations for either of these exercises.

We're going to train Brachioradialis with barbell reverse curls but here we have slight variation in the exercise.

If you're doing 15 reps for reverse curls then try to do last five step partial in the top half of the range.  

How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained
Hammer curls are also a good exercise but like most curls hammer curls are target biceps at large degree so for isolating Brachioradialis Reverse grip barbell curls with partial reps is best for us.

If your forearm is a weak body-part try to include any one isolation exercise will help you to grow them faster.

2. Standing barbell Wrist Curl(Wrist Flexion)

If you want to train only your flexors or your flexors is weak then this exercise is best for you in terms of working and strengthening of your flexors. 

I choose this exercise because of simultaneous finger and wrist flexion will enable a better contraction since both are important action of the flexors.

When there is a need of progress simply use heavier bar as you get stronger.

How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained

You might already doing thing exercise on bench but I prefer to do this exercise with either standing or with dumbbells on bench.

Because when you do this exercise on bench with barbell, it'll put a lot of unnecessary load on the wrist.

if you have any wrist injuries in the past, you should also be doing standing barbell curls.

3. Reverse Grip Dumbbell Extension(Wrist Extension)

This is the easiest exercise you can do to grow your forearm.

Simply hold the dumbbell with an overhand grip and extend your wrist upward and then back down to the neutral position. 

How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained

You can also do this exercise with barbell as well as on the bench but I prefer to do it standing because of the reasons previously mentioned.

4. Plate Pinch(Grip Strength)  

This is the best exercise for building your grip strength as well as forearm development since the origin of the finger muscles are in the forearm.

How to perform: 

  • Take two equal-sized weight plates and place them together on their sides with the smooth sides out by your left foot. 
  • Hold them together with your left-hand fingertips, placing your thumb on one side and your fingers on the other.
  • Pick up the plates and hold them at the side of your left thigh, similar to a unilateral deadlift. 
  • Hold the plates in this position for several seconds and then return the plates to the floor without letting go until you have performed as many reps as desired. 
  • Repeat with the right hand.

  • How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained
5. Wrist Rollers(Both flexors & Extensions)

This is the last exercise in the science based muscular forearm workout and can be used as a finisher exercise. 

The reason I choose this exercise as a finisher to increase the metabolic stress in the forearms which as we know based on several studies is one of the primary mechanisms for muscle growth.

This exercise is allows you to work both the flexors and the extensions at the same time in one set. 

So, if you have little to no time for total forearm workout the do only this exercise for 2-3 times.

How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained

How to Perform

Simply grab a bar and rotate it forwards as fast as possible for 30 to 60 seconds and then rotate it backwards for the similar amount of time. 

 Forearm Workout Routine

How To Build Huge and Muscular Forearm | Science Explained

Final Thoughts

There are many different variations of each exercise you can do at gym but these exercises are highly effective with less chances of wrist injuries.

I know many of you have 21 inch arms but I would like to know that how many of you have well-developed forearms like your biceps and triceps.
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