10 Proven Benefits of Climbing Stairs You Don't Know (No-one Knows 4, 9 )

10 Amazing benefits of Climbing Stairs [PROVEN]

Whenever I visit any gym, I prefer to take stairs then elevators, many times, my gym partners asked me about the benefits of climbing stairs.

Does it really help to reduce weight loss or increasing stamina?

I believe, climbing a stair is a best exercise you can do anywhere, anytime with different intensity. All you need is interest to climb again and again.

Climbing stairs will not only help you to improve your physical but also improve your mental health.

In this article, we’re going to see about 10 amazing proven benefits of climbing stairs which work on any type of diet plan, body composition. After reading this article, LIKE ME, you will ditch the elevators and climb stairs.

1. Reduce Mortality and Death Rate: The Harvard Alumni Study found that men who average climbing at least eight flights of stairs a day enjoy a 33% lower mortality rate than men who are sedentary — and that’s even better than the 22% lower death rate men earned by walking 1.3 miles a day.

2. Stair climbing delivers these benefits by improving our cardiovascular fitness. It's officially classed as a 'vigorous' form exercise and burns more calories per minute than jogging. It also raises your heart rate immediately thus maximizing your cardio benefits.

10 Amazing benefits of Climbing Stairs [PROVEN]

3. Increases core muscle strength: Climbing stairs is a great way to amp your core muscle strength. — glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, abs and calves to exercise and thus tones your body better. It may be an important priority in reducing the risk of injury from falls in the elderly.

4. Produce happy Hormone: A study from science direct While climbing stairs, your body produced following hormone which consider as a happy hormone.

  • Exercise increases the capabilities of your central nervous system's motor capabilities...it adapts to what you do and generates new pathways to make it easier in the future
  • Exercise causes more capillaries to be formed allowing more blood flow and volume to the brain
  • Exercise increases the size of your hippo campus -- which is important for short term memory and stress management.
  • Exercise immediately releases dopamine, beta-endorphins, and takes up serotonin making you feel rewarded

5. Best than other cardio exercises: From the Harvard Health Publication Stair climbing can be accumulated across the course of the day, making a significant contribution to the recommended 30 minutes of daily physical activity. So, if you don’t want to do workout then just climb stairs.

6. Stair climbing requires about 8 - 11kcal of energy per minute, which is high compared to other moderate level physical activities. Even two flights of stairs climbed per day can lead to 6 lbs. of weight loss over one year.

7. Best Calorie Burner: I believe this is the easiest way to lose weight, and the biggest advantage is that you’re saving money and time as well. While you climb a stair, you will burn an average of 0.17 calorie per step and between 200 to 400 calories at the end of the day.

8. Research published in the European Heart Journal has found that by using the stairs the participants in their research averaged the following quantifiable health benefits:

  • They lost 1.7% of their body fat
  • The average waist circumference reduced by 1.8%
  • They had a reduction in blood pressure of 2.3%
  • Bad LDL cholesterol fell 3.9%
  • The biggest improvement was with lung capacity which went up by 8.6%

So, if this candidate achieves these results then you can do also with proper diet and regular climbing stairs.

9. Strong your Limbs & Knees: Climbing stairs will increases strength in your lower limbs. If you have strong limbs, it will reduce the risk of injury if you fall and will reduce recovery time. This also means it is likely that you will stay mobile for longer.

10. Nothing to Pay: Last benefits but most important one is that it cost nothing, NO! gym membership or club fees, No! clothing... it’s just you, So, try to climb as much as stairs you can.

10 Amazing benefits of Climbing Stairs [PROVEN]

Final Thoughts

Remember, climbing stair require nothing so it gives you literally no excuses to skip workout because you can find stairs in all the building in the world. So, stop taking elevators and climb stairs every day.

Let me know which one will you prefer after reading this article and if you’re climbing stairs everyday and have benefited from that I would love to here from you.

The Best Ways To Stay Fit Without Going to Gym

The Best Ways To Stay Fit Without Going to Gym

Whenever My clients were not able to came at the gym, they always ask me how can I stay fit or in shape without coming at gym.

I bet, you also asked this Question to your trainer in the past or maybe in the future.

But don’t worry, after reading this article, you will know how you can maintain your body weight, body shape and Muscle-mass and Fat Percentage.

Because most of the time, when you stopped going gym, you will lose all this eventually.

There are three main factor that will affect your body composition, when you are stop going to gym. So, we’re going to talk about all this factor in detail.

I’ll also give one routine that you can follow if you find what to do, if you already take care of this three factors.

Step 1: Not Enough Sleep

I believe, many of us stopped going to gym because we don’t have enough time for workout and I guess that will also affect our sleep routine.

You already know this right? But How sleep influence our muscle, fat and weight.

First, let’s talk about How it affect on maintaining Muscle Mass.

the lack of sleep, also has a significant effect the catabolic hormones, and specifically a hormone called cortisol.

This hormone designed to break down tissue – including muscle tissue – for the purpose of giving the body energy it needs to deal with whatever stressful situation your body has to deal with.

As it turns out, sleep can have an effect on cortisol secretion as well, but if your goal is to increase your muscle mass, it’s not a positive one.

So, here our goal is maintaining our Muscle Mass and it is negative, if you don’t have enough sleep.

Research has shown that when cortisol levels were elevated the following evening by 37-45%, the overall effect of not sleeping enough can seriously hamper your lean body Mass.

Now, see How it will increase your body fat percentage or overall body weight.

There are many factor which should be considered for weight gain but poor sleep is the main one and evidence also shows that when sleep goes down, weight goes up.

There are two main hormone that control your hunger but when you don't have enough sleep then you severely interfere with your body's hormone(Ghrelin/leptin balance) and Increase its level.

According to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition(AJCN), when people have lesser amount of sleep than they should have, they tend to eat more snacks which are unhealthy often times. This increases their caloric intake by 220 calories a day.

The Sleep Foundation suggest Following amount of hours for sleep in order to maintain your body composition and Hormones.

School age children (6-13): 9-11 Hours
Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 Hours
Younger adults (18-25): 7-9 Hours
Adults (26-64): 7-9 Hours
Older adults (65+):  7-8 Hours

So, Maintain your sleep hours, although you can not go to gym, this will Control your weight and fat level, and Hormones.

Step 2: Proper Diet

I know, you all aware that you should have proper diet to maintain your fitness level but most of us failed often time because it is difficult to prepare meal and follow it when we have busy schedule.

But, I’m going to give you some tips which will help you to maintain your weight and fat levels, while you were at gym.

First of all, try to eat food, which contain more fiber, studies found that when people have less amount of fiber in the diet, they will likely to increase weight.

Because many bodybuilder maintain there fiber in their diet, when they are preparing for body. So, try to include fiber-rich foods in your diet.

Some of the fiber-rich foods are all types of fruits and vegetables and Greens beans and legumes.

Second most important thing in proper diet is enough amount of water and sodium level.

A great tool to Maintain weight is to consider the amount of water you are drinking

Our body needs enough water to to flush out all the acid wastes that accumulates in our body. If the acid waste is not removed it will be stored as fat in our cells and you will increase your weight until you don’t start to follow gym routine.

Check out below image to find out the amount of water you need per day according to your body weight.

The Best Ways To Stay Fit Without Going to Gym

I saw many people trying to lose their weight in the gym for years and years but failed. The reason is high amount of sodium level in the body. If you have enough amount of sodium in your body then no problem but when sodium level increase your weight may increase.

You can reduce your sodium level by drinking enough amount of water.

if you are not going to gym for months or years, Try to add as much as lean protein in your diet because lean protein is a great for maintaining your muscle mass for several years.

Now, you know how to maintain your diet without following meals.

Third and Final Step is Exercise

I know, you want to stay and home and also want to be fit but it may or may not possible without exercise. So, I suggest you to do exercise only 20 minutes a day and it will help you to maintain all the hormones and body composition.

You can do any type of exercise which will increase your heart pumping, starting with walking. If you find walking for 20 min is hard the do it for 5 or 10 minute then increase gradually and then after try to brisk walking which will burn more calorie and maintain your weight.

You can also do other exercise like swimming, stair climbing, tennis, squash, or dancing. Don’t forget that household activities can count as well, such as intense floor mopping, raking leaves, or anything that gets your heart pumping so much that you break out in a light sweat.

And if you’re a intermediate or advance level bodybuilder or athlete then you can do other exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and squats but only for 20 minutes and no other advance version of it.

Below is the routine that you can follow to maintain your weight at home.

  1. Wake Up by 5.00 am

  1. Then eat something like fruits like Apple/Banana/Oats,

  1. Go for running or any moderate intensity exercise at 5.30 am (Only for 20 minutes)

  1. Then start to do push-ups, pull-ups, double bar & free squat (If you’re not a beginner and skip step 3 if You’re at an intermediate or advance level ),

  1. After the workout, try to eat within half an hour time,

  1. Remember to avoid (oily foods, junk foods, fried foods, sugar items, cake items, chips items, etc)

  1. Avoid bulk eating, instead go for 6 serving of foods per day rich with fibers

  1. Try to eat home made foods, avoid hotel/restaurant foods.

  1. In a free time or 11.30 am to 12.00 pm, eat more of fruits/raw vegetables,

  1. In Afternoon, eat carbohydrate(brown rice) with lean protein(meat if you non- veg/ if you are veg eat veggies)

  1. In a free time eat more of fruits/juices

  1. Evening take light foods with some sort of juices/ fruits,

  1. Sleep 7 hours a day,

  1. Most importantly NEVER GIVE UP!

Final Thoughts:

I know, it seems difficult for you to follow last two steps or all three step but trust me these are the easiest one that you can follow.

I didn’t tell you to follow hardcore diet and workout just do some changes that I said and you’re good to go!

If you have any question related to this and found difficult to this just do it everyday because most important thing is NEVER GIVE UP.

Let me know what you think in comment about this steps.


Did you know that Olive Oil is most used oil in most of the countries and also called as 'liquid gold' in the past?

If you know or if you don't know In this article I will show you it's BENEFITS, SIDE EFFECTS and How to Use for optimum result.

Most of the people remember olive oil as a  oil that uses in the kitchen for cooking but did you know Benefits of olive oil is more than you think. because olive oil is not just a  cooking ingredient.

If I started Writing benefits of olive oil then This article length will become boring and lengthy and you don't want that right?

So, Let's see basic things about olive oil which you want to Read because Many of you might Know and then its benefits and so on.

Olive Oil — A Brief Introduction


Scientific Name – Olea europaea
Family – Oleaceae
Native – Mediterranean Basin
Other Names – Jaitun Ka Tel (Hindi), Mafuta (Swahili), Olyf Olie ( Afrikaans), Zayt Alzaytun (Arabic).

Origin of olive oil is Mediterranean and made mainly in Italy, Spain and Greece and it is extracted from the olive Fruit. It's not seasonal so you can have it all year-around if you are not in INDIA.

The Olive Oil is pressed from fresh olives which are about 1 to 2.5cm long and its plants are smaller in size. 

Flavour of Olive Oil is changed with the cultivar, harvest timing and extraction process.

There is a variety of olive oil that you can meet in every shopping malls because of that different kind of olive oil use for different remedies.

If you don't know what are the don't worry we will give you an insight about in within a second.


1. virgin olive oil: Virgin olive oil is made from standard virgin oil production and its acidity less than 2% which make its taste soo 'good' as compared to extra virgin olive oil. it does not contain any other oil so it is best for cooking purpose.

2. Extra virgin olive oil: Now, you might be thinking what is the difference between extra virgin and virgin olive oil? let me clarify for you. Most of the time you see olive oil on TV or any advertisement is definitely Virgin olive oil because of its popularity, low acid content.

However, extra virgin olive oil has a higher concentration of natural vitamins and minerals than other varieties. If you buy it any time you will see a bright green colour because of its zero processing and no additives which makes its strong olive flavour. 

Compare to other olive oil Extra virgin olive oil has only 1% of oleic acid, while virgin olive oil has 3 to 4% of oleic acid. Now you understand why it is sold so costly in supermarkets.

3. Pure Olive Oil: this oil is actually a mixture of refined and virgin olive oils due to that it has a high acidic content hence low its benefits are limited.

4. Pomace Oil: Another Variant you can see in supermarkets. When all the extraction process of olive oil has been done some oil is still left which is called Pomace Oil and it is also used for cooking but less than virgin olive oil.

Nutritional Facts per 100 Gramses

Calories: 884g
Total Fat: 100g
Vitamins and minerals: Iron: 3%

Well, Now you will understand why it is widely using oil in the world.

There are so many benefits of olive oil so we see some of the best use of it (P.S: I don't want to bore you!! 😉)

Benefits for Skin and Hair

Before Proceeding to the Skin benefits I Have some Questions!

  • Do you Ever use moisturizer after every shower?
  • Do you ever try natural products instead of Regular with full of chemical lotion?
  • Do you want that Shining and Slicky hair like your Role model?
If you cared about your skin then you should go for olive Oil because it contains a good amount of Vitamin E which helps you to reduce inflammation, acne and dryness. Its structure is non-sticky not like another moisturizer out there in a market.


If you think I have dry skin or any other type of skin can I use it?

Don't Worry!! Go Ahead and start using it because it is suitable for all skin type.👍

Best anti-ageing Substance:


If you don't want to look old in your early thirties then start using it now!! because it has antioxidants, minerals and good fats which are a fight for you to free the radicals and glow your face skin within months.

Most of the people know about the basic benefits of olive oil but do you know? that it is also used for lip scrub, nail health and Cracked Heels.

As you know it has plenty of Vitamin E which add moisture and smoothness to your lips, nails and cracked heels.

Do you want to know how it can benefit your hair? then Read On.

Hair benefits of Olive Oil:

How many of you watch TANGLED movie and also want long hair like Rapunzel? (P.S: I'm talking about Girls😉)

What if it is easy to get hair like Rapunzel within months but not that long ok?


As I said earlier olive oil is not only best moisturizer for your skin it also best moisturizer for your hair. It reduces scalp irritation, which further reduces dandruff.

But for that, You have to add some other ingridents only olive oil not work all the time right? Don't worry you will get this ingridents in nearby stores.

For that, you have to add honey and a egg yolk which is high in protein, magnesium, zinc, sulfur  and B vitamins.

This all Nutrients helps you not onlt to fight against your dandruff but also use for hair growth and make it silkey than ever before.

Things You Need:

  • ½ a cup of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • A egg yolk

How to USE it?

1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly till you get a smooth paste.
2. Apply this paste to your hair and leave it onfor about 20 minutes.
3. Wash off with lukewarm water, and then follow up with a conditioner 

Like you take pre-workout before a workout, olive oil works same as preworkout for your hair. it's a pre-shampoo treatment. Use olive oil before shampoo to get shining, silkey and strength hair.

Limitless Health Benefits of Olive Oil: Like I Said Limitless not just for beauty and hair for health also which is most important for bodybuilder right?

Prevent type 2 diabetes: As most of the bodybuilder and You also know that olive oil is high in fatty acid so fatty acid helped to managed and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. I'm not saying that Research said that check this out!!

In Fact, More use of olive oil intake reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 16%.


Improve Heart health: Numerous studies show that increasing intake of olive oil benefit for your cardiovascular system in many ways, such as lowering LDL(low density lipoprotein) cholesterol level, decreasing blood pressure reduce the risk of thrombosis. this all ultimately helps in improving our heart health.


Olive oil reduce the level of saturated and transfat which are the bad fats. this property control the blood cholesterol levels in the body. Olive Oil is high in omega 6 fatty acids that is a monounsaturated fat which is highest around 75 to 80% found in olive oil.

this will help you in building HDL(high density lipoprotein) in the body.

Lowering the risk of Cancer: Well You heard Right!! Olive oil helps to reduce the risk of cancer. If you don't read Properly Read it again it help to reduce the risk not cure you from cancer sorry for that!!

In a study published in the Annals of Oncology, oleic acid helped inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

Strengthens Bones:
If Docter Recommand you take Calcium to made your bones strong. Here is a good news for you!! Olive Oil also helps in strengthening the bones.

In a study, it was found that people consuming olive oil in their diet might contribute to strong bones. Their blood was found to 
contain higher levels of osteocalcin, which was an indication of healthy bone formation.

Weight Loss:
Start dieting but you want to eat you favourite snack but you can't. What if you can eat your favourite dish and reduce weight simuntenously? No Kidding Here!

If you start bodybuilding or weight loss or you just start following diet then you must inclued olive oil in your diet if you want to reduce weight.

Don't worry You will not gain weight but reduce it eventually if you follow your diet plan properly.


We see benefits of Olive oil But what about its side effect No one talk about it right? But WE DO!

Side effects of olive oil:

Well, we all know that olive oil is useful for acne treatment right? but what if we use excessively? 

This can create an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to it. 

If you start using excessively then it can create skin rashes, breaking the skin's natural moisturizing abilities in case if you have dry skin and we don't want it right?

So make sure use olive oil as prescribed or ask any dermatologist.

Olive oil is very useful in reducing blood cholesterol levels, however, it also lowers the blood sugar level below the normal body needs which again create health problems like sweating, weakness etc.

Overuse of olive oil can cause a fall in the blood pressure which may lead to problems like stroke and dizziness or sometimes kidney failures.

So My suggestion is use before think that how much olive oil is required for particular remedies.

Let's talk about How to USE


Now you know it is beneficial if you use in a limited amount or according to experts.

1. Ideally, Olive oil is not recommended for cooking, if, if you use hot olive oil. it should be cold usually on salads or other foods.

So, don't sprinkle hot olive oil on your salad because when you use hot olive oil its chemical structure changed to a large amount of unsaturated fats which is best and makes you fat if you use for your dishes.

2. If you want to polish or remove something from your favourite thing then i recommend you not use more than 1tsp. 

And it it required more than that then you can mix 2 part of olive oil and 1 part of lemon so it will not damage your favourite pot or anything else.

3. If you use olive oil as a moisturizer for your skin then 1spoon is more than enough. 

for improve your skin health, remove make up or you want the glowing face in your fifties then you can use 2tbs of olive oil(1tbs lemon juice for glowing face) with 1/2 cup of honey and 1/4 cup of yogurt. 

4. If you use for your hair as a moisturizer then contain will be same only add egg yolk and 1/6 a cup of honey.

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