8 Best Body-weight Exercises Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!)

8 Best Body-weight Exercises Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!)

If you're HERE Then probably you want to know the 8 best exercise that hit every muscles in your body.

There are so many body weight exercise to choose from, and you might get confused which one is best for particular muscle!.

Don't worry! I also passed through this phase, when I didn't have enough time to train my body in the gym.

So, in this article, I'm going to talk about the best 8 body weight exercise that will every muscle in your body.

After doing this exercises, you don't need any dumbbell or barbell to do heavy and effective exercises because this are the best in body weight exercises list.

Take a pre-workout, If you're going to do home workout after reading this article.

The 8 body weight exercises that were chosen are as follows:

1. Pull-ups: The pull-up is one of the best upper body exercise that you can do anywhere and anytime. You just need your courage and a bar to do pull-up.

Pull-up is also in the Golden 5 workout list because it will help you to build all muscles in your back.

If you're beginner then it will be difficult for you to do a single pull-up but when you do pull-ups everyday, you will able to do many pull-ups one day.

You can also do Australian pull up, if you found regular pull-ups very hard.

if you're at intermediate or advanced level try to do pull-up with different grips. There are a lot of grip types for pull-ups.

while doing Pull-ups it activates not only your back muscle but also your arms muscles. Pull-ups are the exercise that every bodybuilder routine have. 

2.  Chin Up Knee Up: This exercise will be a little bit hard, if you're not able to do single pull-up.

But you can do Knee Up without doing Chin-up. This will affect your abs but also effects your forearms up to a certain extent!

This exercise hits the biceps and abs equally hard as it breaks down the chin-up into two parts. 

This is a perfect combination movement that helps you to kill two muscles with one move.

3.  Slick Floor Bridge Curls - This posterior chain exercise hammers your glute and hamstrings and happens to be one of the most intense body weight leg exercises you can do for this area. 

In fact, this exercise is as challenging as most weighted glute/ham exercises you’d have at your disposal if you were training in a gym.

4. Levitation Squats: Most of the body weight exercise list, you will find squat as a lower body weight exercise.

In this we're going to do squat but not a conventional squat because it is not much effective as  Levitation Squats.

This is exercise is also known as Single-leg squats or pistol squat.

If you're beginner then it might be difficult for you but if you don't do the conventional body weight squat then try this daily to build big quads.

By positioning your leg behind your body you make it easier to perform this single leg killer without having your balance be your limiting factor (as it may be during the pistol squat).  

Be sure to keep your back foot raised off the ground to keep the work on the front leg only.

Benefits of Levitation Squats:

  • Less Spinal Loading
  • More Load on The Legs 

5.  Dive bomber Push-ups: You knew there would have to be a push-up variation in this list of 8 best body weight exercises in order to hit your chest.

you do a lot of push-up but this push-up is a little bit difficult than regular push-up.

this push-up is also known as Hindu push-up.

In the past, many people do this push-up to hit their upper chest and shoulder along with triceps.

That said, this dive-bomber version hits your chest, shoulders and triceps equally hard at different points in the range of motion.  Add the one and a half rep style for an even more advanced challenge.

I should say, if you're not able to do single push-up then try this because when you can do a lot of Dive bomber push-up, it will build more of the front upper body muscles than regular push-ups.

6. Mule Kicks: This is definitely something know for you or you done this exercise before or seen somewhere but didn't know its name.

See in the video, how can you do mule kicks to perform it better.

This is a perfect body weight conditioning exercise that also puts an overload on your shoulders.  

This exercise will basically hit your triceps and lower-body muscles up to a certain extent!

Think of it as a closed chain psychometric body weight shoulder exercise that crushes your stamina at the same time.  Sound fun?

7. Kick-through Burpees: This is an another great version of burpees. If you can do one burpee then try to do more and it will help you to do this type of burpee.

And if you're at intermediate or advanced level try to do this at your home or anywhere where you want to do workout.

There may be no more athletic version of the burpee than this one, and that is why I love it.

This is yet another body weight only movement that will challenge your upper body, lower body and core while pelting away at your ability to breathe.

See video for how to perform this burpees.

8.  Front Lever: Finally, last but not the least, he challenging front lever exercise lands the last spot on the 8 best body weight exercise list. 

if you're new in fitness industry then you might heard about this exercise because this exercise is perform by only calisthenic.

The front lever is one of the most powerful body weight exercises that can build a big upper body and strong abs. 

Don’t worry if you can’t do it yet, you will.  Just work your way up to it using a resistance band if needed.

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