Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

What you think what is the most important thing you have to keep in mind while doing any type of workout?

It's stability of your body! that comes from stability Ball.

With the help of Stability ball, you won't achieve only body stability but also able to toned your body if you do best 10 stability ball exercises properly.

Stability ball has many different name such as Swiss ball, balance ball, physio ball, gymnastic ball, therapy ball, and yoga ball.

I know, you will read whole article but there are some FAQs that have to be cleared before doing exercises with the ball.

FAQs of Stability Ball

What is the best way to use an Exercise Ball?

Stability ball always comes with lot of benefits like cheaper than any gym equipment, contain less space. 

The best use of Stability ball is  proper alignment of certain parts, you can see whether all of your body parts sync or not. If not you can align it with the help of stability ball.

If you want to build best ab muscles used stability ball in your abs workout. 

While using the ball during abs workout, you will also target your lower back muscle. You will definitely love this ball after completing the great sets of abs.

Another use of the exercise ball is stretching, you can do many stretching moves without the ball but with the ball chance of having more stretch in the muscle is less.

You can also do warm-up with the stability ball because the weight of the ball is very less compare to 5 pounds dumbbells.

What exercise ball size do I need?

Many gym enthusiastic often ask about the size of stability ball that they need because there are many different size available according to your height and weight.

There are three sizes available in the market right now: 55 cm, 65 cm, 75 cm. These sizes show the diameter or height when they are fully inflated.

Please use below balance ball sizing chart as your guide to choosing the right size ball for your height.

Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

It is very important to follow this guideline if you're a beginner. when you become an experience balance ball user, you may find that you will be able to use different ball size with successful results.

What is the weight limit of stability ball?

Weight limits is totally depend on the ball's material, however, the weight range of stability ball is 100 lbs to 300 lbs. 

A high-end type of stability ball also offers a static weight limits of 2000 lbs with 500 lbs body weight.

Best 10 exercises to add in your Stability ball Workout

I hope Now! Your all doubts are cleared and we can start sculpting your muscles. Make sure you try this exercises both at gym and at Home.

1. Ball Twist

How to Perform?
  • This exercise is very similar to Russian twist exercise. 
  • Just lie with your back on flat surface. Extend your arms straight above your chest and grab stability ball. This is your starting Position
  • start twisting your abdominal from right to left or vice versa. Make sure your lower body won't rotate along with the abs muscles. 
  • Repeat this process for 20 times.
Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

  • All abdominal twisting exercises are great for targeting your obliques and transverse abdominal. 
  • Doing this exercise with the stability ball will give you some extra resistance and makes it difficult to do it. 
2. Push-Ups With Feet On Ball

How to Perform?

  • Take general push-up position but your feet should be on the ball and hands are directly underneath the shoulder. Take a deep breath and squeeze your glutes  so your body in one straight line.
  • Now, bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the ground. Make sure your elbows make an angle of 45 degree with the ground so you can have your maximum body weight on your upper chest.   
  • Press your arms opposite to the ground and Repeat.
Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises


  • This is similar exercise to the decline push-up but by doing it on stability ball, you will make it hard as you have to stable your body throughout the movement.
  • Before doing this exercise, learn the most basic version of push-up so you can have most benefit from this exercise.
3. Stability ball “I-Y-T” shoulder 

If you're not aware about shoulder “I-Y-T” then let me tell you that it is the most basic exercise for strengthening your back shoulder muscles. 

How to Perform?

  • Lie face down on a stability ball with your torso on the ball and leg must be straight with elevated toes for support.
  • For I Position: Just raise your arms straight close to ears and shoulder blade should be down.
  • For Y Position: after making I, Spread both of your arms at 45 degree.
  • For T Position: To make T, you should lift your arms straight out to your side but palm should be facing floor which makes it difficult.
  • This cycle of “I-Y-T” is one set.
  • After doing each position lower down your arms and start performing next position. 
  • If you wants to make this exercise more harder then just hold 1 or 2 lbs dumbbells on each hand.
Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

  • This is the best exercise to strengthen your shoulder.
  • If you perform this exercise under the certified trainer guide, you can also build rear Shoulder with this exercise.
4. Wall Squat With Stability ball

if you're a beginner then you may have wrong foot and back position during Squat. The Ball will help you to have great nutrual spine stability along with the foot position.

How to Perform?

  • The difference between wall squat and the normal  squat is that when some people are not able to perform normal squat perfectly, they or their trainer suggest them to do wall squat with the stability ball.
  • I guess, you already know how to perform normal squat, so take similar foot position but your body should be close enough to wall.
  • set the exercise ball between your body and wall and just start performing it. Hold your position at 90 degree for 25 sec and repeat the process for 5 times.
Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

  • Wall squat is the best finisher according to some fitness research and researcher also conclude that performing wall squat before actual squat will help you to increase core power during squats.
  • If you want to build leg strength with less pain and exercises, then you should do Wall squat with stability ball and once you master it start doing without it.
5. Supine Plank With Feet On Exercise Ball

We all know the plank but only few people know about the supine plank. Basically, Supine plank is exactly opposite to the normal plank.

Supine plank is a very simple exercise with a low risk for injury. you should avoid this exercise only if you have some shoulder or wrist mobility problem.

If you do supine plank without the ball then it is simple but with exercise ball this exercise become advance level.

How to perform?

  • Staring Position: Place your heels on the ball in front of you, and hand must be directly under your shoulders.
  • According to your wrist and shoulder mobility, adjust your hand position as illustrate in the photos.
  • Bridge up by driving your heels and palms into the ground.
  • Raise your hip towards the ceiling until your body makes a straight line with the ball.
  • Activate your core and glutes to hold position and remain in the position for 10 to 25 seconds.
Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises


  • I believe supine plank has more benefits than normal plank in terms of core strengthening.
  • You will not only train your core but also help to build glutes as you squeeze it at the end of the position. 
6. Stability Ball V hold

If you regularly train your abs then you definitely heard about V hold to train lower abs. But doing V hold with the ball will increase more pressure in the lower abs.

How to Perform?

  • Starting position: Place your stability ball between your legs and lift it to 45 degrees and hold for 20 to 30 sec if you're a beginner.
  • Your hand should make 90 degree angle with the torso.
  • If you wan to make this exercise more harder then hold for more seconds or hold for 10 seconds at different angles like 20, 40,60 and 90 degree.
Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises


  • V hold is best exercise to feel burned in the lower abs like we feel in the hanging knee raises.
  • V hold will increase your lower abs strength and many people have less lower abs strength.
7. Reverse Crunches with Stability Ball

How to Perform?

Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

  • Take a high plank position with hands directly under the shoulder and your shin would be on the ball.
  • Starting Position: Tighten your core to keep your body in one line from shoulder to toe.
  • Squeeze your core and bring your knee towards the chest to perform reverse crunch. After completing crunch, keep your hips down at the end.

8. Stability Ball Bird Dog

How to Perform?
  • Lay on top of exercise ball with legs and hands slightly apart. Place chest down so torso is wrapped over ball.
  • Raise arm and torso upward beside head while raising leg on opposite side up out behind body. Lower arm, torso, and leg to original position and repeat. 
  • Perform movement with opposite arm and leg.
  • Exercise can be made more challenging by positioning ball lower toward hips or place supporting arm further away from ball.

  • the goal of the exercise is to improve stability, alignment, posture, motor control and other critical components of performance.
9.  Hamstring Curl

The hamstring curl with stability ball utilises a support to help raise the legs and hips off the floor. This leg exercise also works the back muscles.

Toned Your Body With Best 10 Stability Ball Exercises

How to Perform?
  • Assume start position as shown by lying on the floor, back of calves resting against ball.
  • Lift butt off floor by lifting hips toward ceiling.
  • pull the ball in with your feet.
  • Push the ball back out.
  • Return to start position. and Repeat.


This core exercise comes with two benefits one is develop hamstring and other is build strong core.

10. Biceps and Triceps Exercise On Stability Ball 

How to Perform?

Check out below video to Learn!

Final Thoughts

Hope you like my these 10 best stability exercise that will help you to toned body.

I know many people who have some serious bones problem but they still achieve their goals trough Stability Ball.

I would love to know how many of you regular use the stability ball in your workout routine.
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