The 4-Week Beginner's Muscle Gain & Fat Loss Workout Program For Men

The 4-Week Beginner's Muscle Gain & Fat Loss Workout Program For Men

If you just register yourself in the gym and decide to achieve your goal as soon as possible either Muscle Gain or Fat loss then believe me it would be difficult for you to achieve that if you're not following proper guide.

When I first started gym back in 2011, I just waste a year to know about best form of any exercise and what exercises beginner should do? Because there are plenty of it right?

Without the personal trainer, no-one teach you how to achieve your goal so best way to do it follow this beginner workout program according to your goal.

I'm afraid to say that I'll cover only men's beginner workout program in this article but I'll also write fat loss and toning program for women soon.

Who can follow this program?

Muscle Gain: if you fall in one of the following category then you can follow it without any hesitation.

Category 1: if you have no idea of exercises in general or have been out of shape for a year and more.

Category 2: You're not exactly comfortable with gym environment and are not quite sure where to start your workout from the very first day.

Category 3: if you're really excited about going to gym and doing exercises daily, want to bulk-up and get buff and want to add 10 or 20 pounds of pure muscle mass in your body frame.

Fat Loss:

Category 1: If you don't participate in any kind of sport or follow exercise routine and want to shred some extra fat from your body.

Category 2: If you already doing low activity level exercises already but want to follow structured workout plan then follow this beginner fat loss program for men.

Structure of Muscle loss and Fat loss Program

Muscle Gain: In this program, we're doing workout for 4 days a week and other 3 days we should be doing rest including Sunday.

Day 1: Monday: Chest and Shoulder

Day 2: Tuesday: Cardio

Day 3: Wednesday: Arms and Back

Day 4: Thursday: Rest

Day 5: Friday: Legs & Abs

Day 6: Saturday: Rest

Day 7: Sunday: Rest

Fat Loss: This program is exactly similar to the muscle gain program but only difference is in the repetition of exercises. 

Day 1: Monday: Chest and Shoulder

Day 2: Tuesday: Cardio

Day 3: Wednesday: Arms and Back

Day 4: Thursday: Rest

Day 5: Friday: Legs & Abs

Day 6: Saturday: Cardio

Day 7: Sunday: Rest

Before seeing actual workout, I guess you don't know anything about the exercises and the form you should be follow, that's why I include some video and links for the exercise.

Total Body Warm-Up

Here’s a Monthly Men's Muscle Gain Workout Schedule For Beginners

Day 1: Monday
  Body Part: Chest                  

 Barbell Flat Bench Press
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Incline Bench Press
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Decline Bench Press
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Body Part: Shoulder

 DB Shoulder Press
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 DB Side Raise
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 DB Front Raise
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
How To Perform?

Day 2: Tuesday
Muscle Gain
Fat Loss
 Treadmill - Running
 30 mins
40 mins
 15 mins
15 mins

Day 3: Wednesday
 Body Part: Arms

 Barbell Curl (Biceps)
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Hammer Curl
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Preacher Curl
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 DB Kickback (Triceps)
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Triceps Push down
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Bench Dips
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
How To Perform?

 Body Part: Back

 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Wide Grip Lat Pull down
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Dumbbell Row
 3 sets
 6-8 reps
How To Perform?

Day 5: Friday
Body Part: Legs

 Barbell Squat
  4 sets
 6-8 reps
 Leg Extension
  3 sets
 6-8 reps
 Leg Curl
  3 sets
 6-8 reps
How To Perform?

 Body Part: Abdominal

 Standard Crunches
 3 sets
 20 reps
 Leg Raise
 3 sets
 20 reps
 3 sets
 30-60 sec
How To Perform?

Here’s a Monthly Men's Fat Loss Workout Schedule For Beginners

There is no difference in both the workout program except in the reps. You have to do 12 to 15 reps in the beginner Fat loss program instead of 6 to 8 reps. 

You may think that this is very limited exercise and everyone wants to do more exercise because of rain of adrenaline in your brain.

But, believe me if you do more reps in muscle gain or fat loss program, you will put a lot of unnecessary strain on your muscles. 

As you're beginner, your muscles are not mature enough to grow without any injuries such as stretch marks and muscle spasm.

Download PDF of Muscle Gain Program HERE!

Download PDF of Fat Loss Program HERE!

Important Notes:

This is the simplest beginner program on the internet but there are also some cons if you're a totally new to gyming.

Make sure you perform proper warm-up before doing exercise for any body- part describe as above otherwise in order to complete repetition, you will injured yourself. 

As first, you won't be able to perform 6-8 or 12-15 reps in some exercise or you have difficulty in balancing a barbell and your body position.

If you follow how to perform section under each exercise table correctly, then you won't have more problems in beginner.

I suggest you to start with very low weight until you are not able to do every exercise with correct form because I saw many gym enthusiastic who doing gym for years but body position and tempo are not perfect.

If you start following this program then make sure you track your weight and reps for each body part for whole month. So, after a month you can follow intermediate workout plan.

Final Thought

I hope you will follow this simplest beginner muscle gain and fat loss program for beginner and I'll also write similar article for women as well.

If you've any doubt about the exercise or its form, please let me know below. I would like to teach you the perfect form over the internet.

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