19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

We all need motivation in every aspects of life, no matter what we doing and our profession.

when we have taught like I can't do this or I Can't achieve this then first thing comes in our mind is some kind of motivation such as motivation Quotes, stories, podcasts or videos.

So, in this article we'll see 25 motivational quote said by your famous bodybuilder, runner, footballer and many other famous athletes.

Follow The List and Feel Motivated Every time and Start doing what You want to achieve without wasting second.

 Arnold wrote many motivational quote and also talk a lot about his struggle in his Adulthood.

But, I personally like this Quote and I feel pumped if you proper understand this Quote.

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"What we face may look insurmountable but what I learned is that we are always stronger than we know"

As we're athletes and we all heard about Sylvester Stallone and his mind-blowing movies once in a while.

I also watched many movies of Sylvester Stallone and remember every motivational dialogue said by him in his movies or even in his real life.

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"Going on one more round, when you don’t think you can that’s what makes all the difference in your life."

I don't know how many of you know about Muhammad Ali but let me tell you that he was the greatest American professional boxer.

One thing about Muhammad Ali you may know is that many people called him as The Greatest.
19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

4. Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson is the second most famous American professional boxer after the Muhammad Ali.

He is the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title at 20 years and broke many records in his entire career.

Mike Tyson also performed in many Hollywood movies such as IP Man 3, Kick boxer: retaliation, I M Ali, Fallen champ: the untold story of Mike Tyson and most of them are famous among bodybuilders and Boxers.

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

My power is discombobulating devastating. I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It’s ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.

5. Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is the worldwide famous american basketball player. He had this fam and wealth after struggling a lot in his early career of basketball.

Many other basketball player said many great things about Michael Jordan such as 'MJ is the best! There will never be another Michael Jordan. He is without doubt the greatest athlete of all time!'

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."

6. Babe Ruth 

If you're a baseball person then and then only you know about Babe Ruth. He's the greatest power hitter of all time.

He is not only greatest pitcher but he also has one of the largest figures for strikeouts too.

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"You just can't beat the person who never gives up"

7. Michael Phelps

I include Michael Phelps in this list because he didn't win a gold medal in the hardest sport but he did it 8 times over. Many other swimmers around the globe inspire from his determination, physical strength.

He has total 39 world records, 22 came from Olympic medals and 11 gold coming from individual events.

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work… THERE ARE NO LIMITS."

8. Lionel Messi:  Lionel Messi also had a lot of struggle in his life, however, he never surrendered. One of the most dangerous challenge he faced in his early childhood is that he was suffered from lack of a development hormone.

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

“You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.”

9. Usain Bolt: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"No matter how far you get ahead of me, I’m gonna catch you. That’s my mentality that I go there with."

10. Conor McGregor:

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

“I believe in myself so much that nothing is going to stop me.”

11. david_beckham: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"The buzz is still with me. I get goose bumps."

12. Roger Federer: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"I always believe if you’re stuck in a hole and maybe things aren’t going well you will come out stronger. Everything in life is this way."

Lesson: If you feel stuck due to external forces, understand it’s how you will grow. You need to have trust in life in order to survive the hard times.

13. Cristiano Ronaldo: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"Talent without working hard is nothing."

14. Phil Heath

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

“The mind-set of a champion is that I put myself in a certain situation to win, I don’t play to lose, I don’t prepare to lose, I hate second place and I definitely don’t like silver.”

15. John Cena: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

"To succeed, I have to believe every night, in my heart, that I am the best."

16. Dwayne Johnson: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

“When You Walk Up To Opportunity’s Door: Don’t Knock It. Kick That Bitch In, Smile and Introduce Yourself”

17. Bruce Lee: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

18. Floyd Mayweather :

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

 “I am the best. There is nobody better than me.”

19. Pele: 

19 Great Quotes to Inspire You to be a Better Athletes!

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do” 

Final Thought: 

I hope after reading this 19 motivational Quotes by your favourite athletes, you'll do anything and achieve your goal and have courage to face any obstacle.

This is my top 19 motivational Quote that I Read everyday, I would like to know your own favourite motivation Quote in the Comment section.
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