Exercises & Tips For Winter Weight loss

Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Working out is always beneficial no matter the season either Winter, Summer or Monsoon, but it would be quite foolish not to take into consideration the specifics of the weather. These always have an effect on the human body no matter whether we want it or not. 
So if you want to keep exercising effectively and without any potential dangers, you should definitely take into consideration the temperatures and the weather conditions outdoors and modify your training in the most beneficial way

Tips to Increase Your Excercise Output:

  1. Try not to do more intensive cardio(15min max) exercises such as running outdoors when the temperatures are very low and this rule especially applies to all who are not trained, athletes. Breathing in the cold air when your body is warm can give you colds and also more serious complications.
  2. You can readily have great workouts indoors. Do sign up for an aerobics or a dance class. Generally, you can practice all sorts of sports from tennis to swimming. The option of going to the gym is always there and you can always exercise at home.
  3. Make sure that you warm up very well before exercising when the weather outside is cold. Usually, we really constricted in our physical activity during the winter so the risk of injuries increases significantly. It is important that you increase your heart rate and prepare your muscles gradually without missing any of the essential groups. 
  4. It is a good idea to do some stretching exercises for your back in particular so that you gain additional flexibility.
  5. Set the optimal time and intensity for your training session. We tend to feel more tired in the winter and this is perfectly normal. So, you might want to make your exercising routine easier and shorter.

Winter is the Best Season to lose some pounds!!! You can do a lot of cardio, weight training to reduce a good amount of fat.

You can follow the below-mentioned things to reduce the fat during Winters:

Do Cardio 15 mins a day,5 days a week. 


Jogging - Do a varying intensity jog in the morning or evening. This is one of the best ways to lose fat in winters. Also since the weather is not hot, you will actually enjoy doing this.
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Yoga - In case outdoor activities are too much for you to handle due to the weather, you can do some great power yoga at home. Trust me, it helps burn fat super quick.

Typically, weight loss occurs when a person's calorie intake (i.e., food and drink consumed) is less than their caloric expenditure (i.e., energy is expended all day and more is expended during exercise).

Many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise (e.g., jogging, brisk walking); however, yoga can increase one's mindfulness and the way one relates to their body. So, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better food choices.
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Kickboxing(10min) - Another great indoor sport that helps you burn fat. It has really worked well for me. By doing kickboxing in winter for 15 to 20 min you can burn up to 200 to 300 calories but I recommend you not doing more than 10 min if you are at a beginner level.
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Do Push-ups(10*3): Push-ups is a great compound exercise for the whole body. Trust me!! With doing only Push-ups You can build a good physics with proper nutrition. Push-ups can help you to increase metabolism rate because while doing push-ups your core must be tight which increase your Calorie burn rate i.e your metabolism rate.
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Do Crunches with the exercise ball. (20*3)
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Squats(15*3): Squats is a great exercise to build a perfect lower body. You can Build every muscle in your lag with help of squat's variations. You can also build your glutes with squats if you have proper guidance.
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

Leg Lifts(20*3): Leg-Lifts is a great exercise to reduce back side of your lag especially your glutes. So if you want perfectly shaped glutes start doing it right away!!
Exercises &Tips For Winter Weight loss

So, Friends, This is the exercise and tips that you should follow while Winter workout!  


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