7 HIT workout That will Build Muscle and Strength

7 HIT workout That will Build Muscle and Strength

If you're doing a gym for a quite a long time, By now, you've probably heard about HIIT and HIT workout.

Or you also heard that HIT workout helps a lot in weight loss. 

Well, certainly, It's True!

Apart from helping in weight loss, HIT workout will also helps you to build strength and muscles.

However, there is a limitation in that, you should have proper diet regimen and if you have then you will see awesome improvements over a period of time.

In this article, I'll cover 7 HIT workout which includes 2 full-body and other 5 you can do for individual body part.

Difference between HIIT And HIT Workout

when I first heard about HIIT and HIT terms, I felt that both have equal meaning and same exercises.

But, that's not true!

So if you don't the difference between those two terms you should read this section.

HIT is stands for High Intensity Training.

HIIT is stands for High Intensity Interval Training.

There is only one difference between these both type of workout and that is rest period between sets.

In HIIT workout, you're supposed to do rest between two exercises or do very light intensity exercise for short period.

While in HIT workout, you're not supposed to do rest between two exercises from start to end.

Both type of workout will be difficult for you if you're a beginner or never done any high intensity exercises.

That doesn't mean you can't do these workout right?

But If you really want to do then I suggest you to take long rest period than usual or mention here but don't take too much.

In HIIT workout, most of the exercises people do is related to cardio and few strength exercises.

In HIT workout, all the exercises are related to strength training or resistance training. Apart from that exercises are intense than regular bicep curl or machine chest press.

Which Workout is more useful?

Now you know the basic  difference between them and you must be thinking that which is more beneficial. 


Well, the simple answer is both workout are useful in themselves.

It depends on you, whether you would love to do high intensity cardio exercises or high intensity strength exercises.

Several studies show that HIT workout can burn more fat and increase your strength and muscle gains over a period. 

Almost similar amount of studies also show that HIIT workouts are great way to burn fat.

7 Best HIT Workout for Building Muscles and Strength

7 HIT workout That will Build Muscle and Strength

#1 HIT Workout For Chest
  1. Incline Dumbbell Press
  2. Dips-Chest Version
  3. Barbell Bench Press(Tempo: 5 Sec Up and Down for Each)
  4. Push-ups(Go for Failure)
#2 HIT Workout For Back
  1. Deadlift
  2. TRX Back Raw or Barbell Bent Over Raw
  3. Close, Normal & Wide Grip Pull-ups(5 reps each)
#3 HIT Workout For Shoulders
  1. Single Arm Linear Jammer (How to?)
  2. Side Lateral to Front Raise (How to?)
  3. Smith Machine Shrug
  4. Pike Push-Up or Handstand(Advanced People Only)
#4 HIT Workout For Lags
  1. Single Leg Hamstring Curl
  2. Glute Ham Raise
  3. Single Leg Press
  4. Box Squat
  5. Wall-sit (How to?

7 HIT workout That will Build Muscle and Strength

#4 HIT Workout For Arms
  1. Decline EZ Bar Triceps Extension
  2. Dumbbell Floor Press
  3. Push-up (Close Grip position)
  4. Zottman Curl (How to?)
  5. Supinated Grip Pull-Ups
#5 Full Body HIT Workout Version 1
  1. Dumbbell Bench Press super-set with Push-ups
  2. ATG Squats (How to?)
  3. Single Arm Shoulder Dumbbell Press
  4. Dips (Triceps Version)
  5. T-Bar Rows
  6. Barbell Curl (Wide, medium and Close Grip 10 reps each)
  7. Single Leg RDL (How to?)
#6 Full Body HIT Workout Version 2
  1. Romanian Deadlift from Deficit (How to?)
  2. Weighted Pull-ups
  3. Weighted Push-ups
  4. Push Press (How to?)
  5. Single leg Push-off (How to?)
  6. Dumbbell Kick-Backs
  7. Incline Hammer Curl (How to?)
#7 Full Body-Weight HIT Workout

  1. Push-Ups(Wide, Normal and Close Grip 10 reps Each)
  2. Australian Pull-Ups (How to?)
  3. Supinated Pull-ups
  4. Handstand (1 Min)
  5. Pistol Squat (How to? )
  6. Nordiac Ham Curls (How to?)

HIT Workout Description  

Now, you know HIT exercises for individual body part, full body and even body weight HIT workout.

But in order to have best results from these workouts, you should know the frequency, sets and reps.
  • Frequency - Train only 2-3x per week.
  • Moderate Volume - Generally 1-2 sets per exercise. 
  • Sets - Complete one cycle of HIT workout and then repeat it for 2 times.
  • Reps - 12-15
Now, there is one question remain, which is very important when it comes to doing HIT workout.

Should You Do these workout daily?

If you don't have time to do workout then I suggest you to do full body or body weight HIT workout for 3 times a week and accessory work if you needed.

If you've times to train at gym or at home, you can do HIT workout for different part everyday.

Make sure, you're following proper diet, sleep and volume, because at the end the results of HIT workout depends on it.

Every factors mention above have equal importance, if you choose wrong volume then you will failed in doing single HIT workout.

Take Home Message

There are many high intensity exercises for each and every body part, which you can combined to make HIT workout for single body part or for full body.

This HIT workout are the best in itself because I tried myself personally and gain awesome strength over a period.

Do you following any HIT workout? How's your experience with that? Let me know in the comments. 

If you want to add HIT workout, you're currently follow and very effective then also let me know in the comments.