The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

After the first 6 months of gym, Whenever I do workout I feel something missing with the sets, there has to be something to tweak the type, intensity and volume of the set.

After I try to find over internet, on books and I came across this word "Periodization" .

When I read in depth about that I again came across various type of training splits, reps, sets and many more other things.

I also read that Superset is the most effective and beneficial, when you add in your workout.

Many people know about the supersets and which body part they should train in the superset workout.

But what about the type of  exercise you should add in the individual superset workout.

In this article, you'll find ultimate guide of superset and how we can get maximum benefit of it along with the superset for all muscles and full body superset workout.

What Is a Superset and How Can You Put It In Your Workout?

Most people know what is superset but if you're just started going gym, you should read this once.

Defining the Superset is very easy, if you know about the muscle you should train while doing superset workout.

If I want to define superset in a simple manner, it would the combination of two exercise without the any rest between them.

You can add various exercise to make one superset workout but the main question is which one to add? 

There are tones of exercise everywhere and you should know which exercise will be most effective for superset workout.

Here is the one best example of superset training doing a set of biceps curls and a set of triceps dips, alternating until you've completed all the sets.

Many people do superset workout just for feeling more pump, burn and for bucket of sweat but that not the case.

Benefits of Adding Supersets in Your Workout

Based on one study published in European Journal of Applied Physiology When you do superset, you're saving a lot of time, enhance the efficiency of muscles.

study published in Journal of strength and Conditioning Research shows that supersets burn more calories during and after your workout versus traditional training.

Another advantage of supersets is that you’ll actually be stronger in the second exercise. Research has found that a muscle will be stronger if preceded immediately by a contraction of its antagonist, or opposing muscle group.
Different Types of Supersets

Most people have misconception about the type of superset that there is only one type of superset.

In fact, there are two type of supersets you can do at the gym: agonist and antagonist supersets.

If you want to impress your meatheads in the weight room, you should learn how to add type of superset in your superset-workout to get most out of it.

In agonist superset training, you are likely to train same muscle without resting between two different exercise.

This type of superset is useful only for focus more on the same muscle  and adding intensity and more volume in the superset-workout.

There are a discussion going on between many trainers that agonist superset should be called as a compound sets since you're a training same muscle twice without having rest between them and that's the definition of the compound sets.

Antagonist supersets: if you want to add supersets in your workout, make sure to add antagonist supersets because they could have more benefit than the agonist type superset training.

In antagonist superset, you're training different muscle without resting between the sets.

When I have not the full knowledge about the superset training, when I went to the gym, I just do any two exercise for the different muscle but it's not true.

You only can do certain type of exercise in antagonist superset training.

Superset Workout

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

As you can find various  agonist type superset, I  will only tell about the antagonist type superset workout for all of the muscles.

Before staring actual superset workout, you should know the the superset pairs and exercise that means which muscle and exercise you should train/doing in antagonist type superset training. 

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

Now you know the pairs and the exercise that should be doing in the antagonist type training.

It is not necessary to do only those exercises in this superset pairs, you can add various exercise in this pairs and in your superset workout.

You may notice from the table that most of the exercise in the table have pushing or pulling movements so whenever you add any different exercise for your superset workout, make sure those exercises have pushing or pulling movement to have effective superset workout.

Many people know about these pairs but they are unable to make a proper superset workout for two different muscles. That's why I made superset workout for all mentioned paired above.

You can use in any of your split or when you have little time to train yourself.

Biceps & Triceps Superset Workout

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

Chest & Back Superset Workout

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

Quads & Hamstring Superset Workout

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

Quads & Glutes Superset Workout

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

Shoulder & Back Superset Workout

The Ultimate Superset Guide: Supersets For All Body Parts

IF you want to do full body superset workout, I highly recommend to check out this link.

Although in the above link, they have not mention about sets and reps, I suggest you to do only 1 circuit as your're doing full body superset workout and reps should between 10-12.

Take Home Message

There are plenty of way to make superset workout, above workouts are just a reference for yourself.

You can make many different superset workout from the exercises library(if you don't know much about various exercises).

I hope, you like all of the above mention full body and superset workout for different muscle and will try to add in your training.

Let me know, how often you trained with superset workout and if you're planing to follow above workouts make sure to review about these superset workouts in the comments.
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