The Best Way to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat | Top 6 Exercises

Whenever I enter the GYM, I see women with the high lower-body fats and they always do exercise to reduce their leg size but they failed. If you failed too, then you should know that reduce your lag size you have to reduce your inner and outer thigh muscle that is Adduction and the adductor muscle.

This muscle plays very crucial roles in reducing thigh. If you do not train this muscle then it is likely that your thigh fat not reduced proportionally to your effort. 

So, Today We talk about top 7 exercise according to me which helps my clients to reduce thigh fats and if my clients get a result from this exercise you will get too. However, this exercise won't work until and unless you follow a proper(calorie deficit) diet.

there are several reasons why you have a high level of fat at your inner thigh portion but according to experts, they said that the main reason behind this is an imbalance of HGH(Human Growth Hormone) or high level of estrogen and only one way to reduce is to follow proper diet or make some choice or add some ingredients in your diet which helps you to reduce inner thigh fats.


1) Sumo Squats: Want to firm those inner thighs? If so, the sumo squat is an exercise to consider. Sumo squats are excellent for hitting both your inner and outer thighs to a larger degree, so will help round out your lower body workout.

  Targeted Muscle: inner thigh adductors

  How To Do Sumo Squats

1. you simply stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your toes slightly turned out, shoulder relaxed, core engaged

2. Squat down from there. You should feel the difference in the nature of stress being placed on the body almost immediately.

The Best Way to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat | Top 6 Exercises

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 25 reps

Rest – 20 seconds

Tip – Give it a try with either a barbell or a set of dumbbells if you found bodyweight sumo squats too easy.

2) Side Kicks: sidekicks are great for shaping your inner and outer thigh muscle. This exercise you can do both ways either lying or standing but I prefer standing because if you want to put some weight through cables you can do it.

Targeted Muscles – Inner thighs, outer thighs, and glutes.

The Best Way to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat | Top 6 Exercises

How To Do Side Kicks 

1. Stand near the wall and place the right palm flat on it for support. Place the left hand on your waist. Keep your core engaged and spine neutral.

2. Lift your left leg sideways, pause for a moment, and bring it back to the starting position.

3. Do this on the other side.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 20 reps each side

Rest – 20 seconds

Tip – You can add some extra weight if you are comfortable with that it helps to put more resistance on inner and outer thigh portions.

3)  Lunge with Isometric Adduction: This is a similar exercise to side lunges exercise. however, it put more emphasis on your most inner thigh portion. a much more effective way to train than those hip abduction and adduction machines at the gym.

Targeted Muscles – Inner thighs

The Best Way to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat | Top 6 Exercises

How To Do Lunge with isometric Adduction

1. Stand with your feet together, arms by your sides. Take a wide step forward with your right foot and lower into a deep lunge position. 

2. Place your hands on the floor on the inside of your right foot. Press your right knee into the outside of your right shoulder. 

3. Squeeze and hold the contraction for 5 counts. Release and push off the floor with your right leg to return to standing. 

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

Rest – 20 seconds

Tip: You can hold the contraction for more than 5 counts and if you are comfortable with Stretching deep then you can also do that.

4) Scissor leg Plank: A little-advanced version of doing sidekicks. this exercise not only help to reduce your inner thigh but it works also on your core which is activate while performing this exercise.

Targeted Muscles – Inner thighs and Glutes

The Best Way to Reduce Inner Thigh Fat | Top 6 Exercises

How To Do Scissor Leg Plank

1. Assume the hand plank position. Keep two folded towels underneath your toes, and spine in level with the rest of the body. Look down and keep your core engaged.

2. Squeeze in your inner thighs and swipe your feet close together. Hold this position for a second and then slide your legs back to the starting position.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 15 reps

Rest – 20 seconds

5) Jefferson Squat: this is another great variation of squats. This is an advanced version of Sumo Squats and you can do this only with Barbell.

Targeted Muscles – glutes, inner thighs, and hip flexors

How To Do Jefferson Squat

1. Straddle a loaded barbell placed on the floor and running sideways between your feet. Squat down to pick up the bar, grabbing it with one hand facing palm backwards and one hand facing palm forward. Hold the bar as you stand with a grip that’s wider than a shoulder Width

2. Bend at the knees and hips, letting your glutes track backwards to lower yourself. At the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor or the bar touches the floor, reverse direction, driving up forcefully through your heels to a standing position.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 15 reps

Rest – 20 seconds

6) Bench Bridge: this is the best exercise for your back thigh and glutes. You can do conventional Glute bridge exercise but a reason behind choosing this is this is a harder version of that which helps you to reduce your inner thigh fat fast. 

Targeted Muscles: Glutes and Back Thigh 

How To Do Bench Bridge

1. Lie on the floor next to a bench with your back flat on the floor and your heels up on the bench. You can keep your arms at your sides on the floor or place them across your chest.

2. Press through your heels to extend at the hips to lift your glutes up until your torso and upper legs are in a straight line with just your upper back touching the floor. Contract your hamstrings and glutes as hard as you can for a second before returning to the start position and repeating for reps. 

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 20 reps

Rest – 20 seconds

Tip- You can increase the resistance by holding a weight plate on your abs. To reduce the resistance, do this exercise with your feet on the floor instead of on the bench.

Changes You should do to Make this Process FAST:

1. As I said earlier reason behind increased thigh fat in women. We all know that woman is lack with protein efficiency. that is a reason your HGH increase more than its needs.

So, to control your HGH make sure you have 1 gram/pound/body weight. This helps you to control your HGH level which ultimately boosts your diet nutrition and your efforts.

2. there should be one reason why your hormone is an imbalance that is maybe lack of sleep. So make sure you get enough amount of sleep every day that is 8 hours/day.

3. Many a time I see Women do only Cardio and some weight training exercise. But I suggest doing cardio with different intensity level according to your levels.

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