The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

Do you know why most people joined the gym?

Of course! Either for weight loss or weight gain.

However, most people also joined the gym to look bigger and wider in front of others and do you know which muscles will help you the most  in that case?

It will be Chest, Shoulder and Back.

Most people often have bigger and well-developed chest and back but they don't have well-developed shoulder and that's what they missing in their body to look aesthetic.

So, in this article, We'll see the best shoulder exercises that will hit all of your shoulder muscles based on many scientific studies and the mistakes most people do while training shoulders.

Anatomy of Shoulder

If you have either well developed anterior and lateral shoulder or have intermediate level, you can skip this section because I assume you already know about the anatomy of shoulder.

But Beginner should read section to understand it, to change exercises in shoulder workout, if you will have any difficulty in below exercises.

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

The shoulder is divided in 3 muscles. 
  • Anterior
  • Lateral
  • Posterior
Anterior Muscle (Most-Trained Muscle)

This is the muscle, most people will see when you stand somewhere. In simple language it is the front muscle of the shoulder.

Origin: Clavicle

Insertion: Humerus

The movements of this muscle are Abduction, Flexion, Transverse Flexion and Internal Rotation.

So, whenever you perform any of above movement in shoulder workout, you will also train your front delts up to certain degree.

But, most of the time you train shoulder with exercises involving flexion movements.

Lateral Muscle

This is the side muscle of shoulder and plays very important role in well-developed  shoulder.

Origin: Scapula

Insertion: Humerus

The movements of this muscle are Abduction, Flexion and transverse abduction.

But, lateral delts activate most when you perform abduction moments than others.

As you see both front and side delts have same insertion, so, whenever you train either front or side delts, you''ll likely to hit one of the muscle up to certain degree.

Posterior Muscle (Never Trained Muscle)

If you want well-developed back or shoulder, you must have well-developed rear delts.

Most people forget to train this muscle while developing front and side delts.

However, if a person don't have proper development of this muscle, it won't have rounded shoulder and good looking upper back.

Origin: Scapula

Insertion: Humerus

The movements of this muscle are extension, transverse extension, transverse abduction and external rotation.

Rear delts activate most when you perform exercises with transverse extension and abduction movements.

Mistakes Most People Do in Shoulder Workout

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

No doubt what is your fitness level, we all do mistakes in our gym life while training different body parts.

But if you learned from that, you'll definitely developed particular body part and if not then it comes to big cost. That's TIME.

There are many mistakes you did and may be still doing if you're at intermediate level. Check below list for the mistake and try to correct them for better shoulder development.

If you're a beginner then you should see these mistakes in order to have wider and rounder shoulders.

#1 Mistake: Never Do Warm-up 

No matter which body part are you training, it is very important for us to warm-up shoulder, lower back and knee joint at least for better performance in workout.

If you're doing shoulders today then you should focus more on the shoulder joint and vice versa for lower back and knee joints.

If you're not doing warm-up for shoulder before workout, you won't have proper shoulder activation or have shoulder impingement while exercising.

There are many articles for warm-up on the internet and the videos on the YouTube but the best warm-up routine I found especially for the shoulder is from T-Nation. Read full article HERE.

If you have any past shoulder injury or have problem with shoulder mobility then you shouldn't start your shoulder workout without the warm-up.

#2 Mistake: Over-arch Back

If you're at intermediate level or a beginner with the ego lifting, you will definitely do this mistake while doing pressing movements in shoulder workout.

Many people over-arch back while doing conventional shoulder press, which will damage more of your lower back. 

If you've week supporting muscle i.e. serratus anterior (Most people have Don't worry), you shouldn't over-arch your back because it will transfer all of your load to that muscle.

So, never do over-arching while shoulder pressing movement, if you really want to build big shoulder.

#3 Mistake: Short Range of Motion

This isn't a technically mistake but sometimes I saw people are not doing shoulder press with full range of motion.

I agree with the notion that partial range of motion will help to fatigue muscle fast but if you want to build them you should do full range of motion.

When you do short range of motion, you are not stretching and squeezing your working muscle. So if you don't do with full range of motion your development will be restricted. 

#4 Mistake: Never Train Rear Delts or Over-trained Front Delts

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

The number one reason for the people who don't have good looking back is little to no development of rear delts.

Most people target front delts first and rear delts last, yet, you should start first with the rear delts to grow them.

Most of the chest compound exercises target your front delts up to some degree. So, you shouldn't be target more of your front delts.

In fact, I suggest you to train your front delts 2x month only and rear delts 4x month.

One article by T-Nation clearly stats that we don't need to train front delts because it stimulate during horizontal press and even at high degree in incline bench press.

#5 Mistake: Lack of Exercise Variety

Many beginner or sometimes intermediate gym going people only do shoulder exercise with dumbbells or barbells.

You can also do various intensity level exercises with the machine.

There are so many variation you can do while doing shoulder exercises either with the dumbbells, barbells or machines. 
Try to include different type of compound and isolation exercises in shoulder workout after 6 to 8 weeks.

Don't stick with same type of shoulder exercises, you can also change the numbers of reps and sets.

The Best Shoulder Exercises

There are plenty of shoulder exercises you can do but we don't have to do more exercises when only few exercises can hit all of the shoulder heads.

In this article we'll see only four exercises that will target all the shoulder muscles.

Exercise 1: Emphasise Overall Shoulder 
The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

As I said Earlier, you don't have to train front shoulder more but you have to do one compound exercise which target your overall shoulder.

For target overall shoulder, there is a one exercise that comes out on the top. Can you do guess? 

Well, your guess may be wrong or right if you've been in fitness industry for a quite a long time.

The overall shoulder exercise is standing dumbbell press and this is determined by the Saeterbakken in the 2013.

In his study, he and his colleague found that while doing standing dumbbell press muscle activation is 15% higher than other three shoulder press. 

If you have any doubt that this can't be true, shoulder barbell press is all time overall shoulder press exercise, check this research by yourself.

Another study done by the ACE also found that dumbbell shoulder press has significantly higher muscle activation than any other exercises tested.

                                      Exercise 2: Emphasise Lateral Head of Shoulders

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

If you want rounded shoulder, you must have well developed side delts.

There are many exercises you can do for the side delts but the best one is the bent arm lateral raises.

When it comes to doing bent arm lateral raises, most people will tell you to do it at this and that angle but your elbow should be less than 90 degree or often at 70 degree.

If you don't know which angle is 70 degree, you can imagine dumbbell as a water bottle and think its top is open then do lateral raise.

At which angle your bottle won't have any water that is the 70 degree angle. However, you can decide your own bending angle but it should be between 50 to 90 degree angle range.

Sometimes some people are not performing lateral raises up to the shoulder height and this leads to 16% lesser muscle activation. 

                                       Exercise 3: Emphasise Posterior Head of Shoulders

This could be the most important exercise for your shoulder if you are lacking in rear delts development.

There are total two exercises which are highly effective when it comes to rear delts development according to several studies.

1. 45 Degree Incline row
2. Reverse Fly or seated real lateral raise

Seated rear lateral raise is somewhat different than reverse fly but you can do it if you feel more rear delts activation.

How to Do 45 Degree Incline Row?

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

Step 1: Lying prone on a 45-degree incline bench, let your arms hang straight while holding a dumbbell in each hand. 

Step 2: Slowly lift your arms as high as possible by squeezing the shoulder blades together. Throughout the movement, the upper arms should remain perpendicular to the body, with the forearms pointed toward the floor. 

Step 3: After reaching the top of the movement, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

Reverse Fly

Most people know how to do reverse fly but when it comes to the angle of arms and the grip many people don't know which grip and angle is best for training rear delts.

This study shows that 45 degree arms to torso angle is best for training rear delts in reverse deck pack machine 

Because if you train with more than 45 degree angle you will also train lateral head of the shoulder by 29%

For grip, the handles of the reverse fly machine from the out- instead of the inside (external vs. internal rotation of the arm), takes away -20% of the stimulus.

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

The Best Exercises for the Rotator Cuff

The reason behind adding rotator cuff exercise in this routine is the most people have shoulder injury related to rotator cuff.

So, it is better to train them also to strong them for upcoming lifts. 

You can do this exercise either at the beginning or at the end of the workout.

While most trainees do not even feel them working, the muscles of the rotator cuff are crucial for the stability of the most flexible and volatile joint in your whole body, your shoulder. 

It is imperative for these largely overlooked and often under-trained muscles to hold the ligaments and bones of your shoulder in position so that your other muscles such as the deltoids or the pectoralis can do their job.  

The Best Shoulder Exercises You should do!

To target your rotator cuff, you should be doing dumbbell exercises with external rotation.

You can do these exercises standing, laying on the bench or with the help of cable.

It is hard to isolate rotator cuff but you can try this technique by the Mr. Jobe that DB lateral raises performed with a 30° horizontal adduction of the arms fully isolates the m. supraspinatus if you rotate your shoulders so that your palms are facing the floor.

Best Shoulder Workout Routine

So what would be the best shoulder workout?

DB Overhead press: 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps

Lateral Raises: 4 total sets (2 sets 8-10 reps, 2 sets 12-15 reps)

Reverse Pec Deck: 4 total sets (2 sets 8-10 reps, 2 sets 12-15 reps)

DB Lateral Raise(30 degree adduction): 2 sets of 8-12 reps

This is just a sample workout, you can still change any of the above exercises if you found more activation in some shoulder exercises than these.

But these are the BEST!

If you're really lacking in rear delts development after the years and years of training, try to do it twice a week with some other exercises like lying face pull or 45 degree incline row.

Final Thoughts

So, these are the best science based shoulder exercise for maximise its development. 

I hope, you like this article and if you have any doubt or need an advice related to shoulder workout, feel free to ask me in the comment section and let me know how is your overall shoulder development?

Want Attractive Butt? Do these 3 intense Glute Exercises

Want Attractive Butt? Do these 3 intense Glute Exercises
If I asked any beginner or intermediate gym going person which is the biggest muscle of human body?

Most of them will say Quadriceps!

Well, to be honest, It's not true.

The biggest muscle in our body is gluteus maximus, which is the part of the glute muscle.

If you want to have bigger body, it is very important for you to train all big muscle in your body.

Most of the time people tried to train their butt but they failed because of the complexity of the muscles.

So, in this article we're going to see 3 intense glute exercises which make your butt more attractive and bigger than ever before.

I'm afraid to tell you that, I'll not explain how to do exercise for the glutes because there are already a lot of How to guide for the exercises on the internet.

Bonus: I have included printable pdf version of Glutes workout along with the glute's super- sets.

Anatomy of Glutes

Whenever I start any exercises article, I started it with the anatomy of that muscles.

Most people failed in developing their body parts after the years and years of training because they don't know the anatomy of particular muscle.

If you know, you'll do only those exercises which you needed to do. NO extra exercises.

Want Attractive Butt? Do these 3 intense Glute Exercises

So, Glutes have total 3 main muscles.
  1. Gluteus Maximus(G-max)
  2. Gluteus Medius(G-med)
  3. Gluteus Minimus(G-min)
Gluteus Maximus is the biggest muscle in your butt. So if you want to have bigger butty then do more exercises for it.

Its origin is the posterior line of the upper ilium, the posterior surface of the lower sacrum, and the side of the coccyx.

Function of Gluteus Maximus

The function of G-max is primarily upper leg extension, such as moving the upper leg backward as in rising from a squat position. 

The same with bent-leg dead-lifting, the rear-leg drive in sprinting, and simply extending the thigh backward in any hip extension exercise (i.e., glute press).

Want Attractive Butt? Do these 3 intense Glute Exercises

Gluteus Medius is located under the gluteus maximus and connects the ilium (hip bone) to the side of the upper femur. 

It helps you externally rotate your leg when it’s extended behind you, and internally rotate your hip when your leg is flexed in front of you. 

Together with the gluteus minimus, this muscle abducts the hip (moves it outward). If you want to move side then this muscle is the "Key" muscle.

Gluteus Minimus, a smaller muscle located under the gluteus medius, the minimus helps you abduct, flex, and internally rotate the hip. 

You’ll use this muscle when you make circular movements with your thigh.

The G-med and G-min perform similar functions, depending on the position of the knee and hip joints. 

With the knee extended, they abduct the thigh (out to the side away from the opposite leg). 

When running, they stabilise the leg during the single-support phase. With the hips flexed, they internally rotate the thigh. With the hips extended, they externally rotate the thigh.

Why it is so Difficult to have Bigger Glutes?

There are many theories and myths around the glutes training that you should do this and this amount of reps, set and what not? to develop attractive butt.

Here are the reason why you're not able to develop your glutes.

1. Most people will recommend you to do more squats, dead-lifts and lunges to develop glutes. In fact, these people spent years and years in training to strong in these exercises.

Just imagine, most power-lifters do these main three compound exercises most of the time then why they don't have bigger and well-developed butt?

To be honest, three three exercises will help you to make your glutes sore not strengthening it. 

These exercises target mostly the quads and erector spinae. Even box squatting, walking lunges, and sumo dead-lifts don't activate much glutes.

2. Lack in exercise progression: Most people are unable to develop their body part as they wanted to because of the above reason.

Most of the people don't know how to do progress in particular exercise but for the glutes, they don't have any idea. That's why, Bret Contreras aka "The Glute Guy" Suggests four phase for having bigger and rounded butt.

Phase 1: Hip Flexor Flexibility and Glute Activation
Phase 2: Glute Hypertrophy
Phase 3: Glute Strength
Phase 4: Glute Power and Speed

It is important for you to start from the first phase if you don't know where your belong.

IF you're a beginner then this phases are perfect for you for the progression.

3. Glutes Contain Fast Twitch Muscle fiber so trained it with heavy weights.

Scientists have done two studies on the fiber type percentage of your glutes. One study found 52% slow twitch vs 48% fast twitch, while the other found 68% slow twitch and 32% fast twitch.

In other words, your glutes are NOT primarily a fast twitch muscle.

That means you shouldn’t just focus on high weight / low rep exercises when training them – you should do a wide range of exercises for them. 

4. Trained Your Glutes once per week

Glutes are the biggest muscles in your body. so you should trained them hard at-least 3x per week.

Don’t worry about training your glutes multiple times a week. You won’t be destroying your efficiency, you’ll be increasing it.

The Best Glutes Exercises

Like any other body parts, there are many exercises you can do for glutes for beginner,intermediate and advanced version.

You can also build glutes with body-weight and resistance bands, if you can't have access to gym.

But if you have, do these 3 intense exercise to target all of the muscles in the Glutes.

Exercise 1: Target Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Maximus connects with lot of upper and especially lower body muscles. so you can do variety of exercises to target it.

So, which exercises you should include to target Gluteus Maximus?

EMG amplitude of gluteus maximus is lower in combined hip extension and Knee extension movements than in isolated hip extension movements.

The best exercise to target gluteus maximus likely involve hip extension not the combined version of hip and knee extension.

Barbell Hip trust is the best exercise for this type of movement, in fact, this study shows that EMG amplitude of gluteus maximus in barbell hip trust is much greater than barbell back squats.

Many people do different variations barbell hip trust exercises to get most out of it, however, one study shows that among hip trust variations standard barbell hip trust produce more mean and peak activation.

Studies have found that antero-posterior exercises like quadruped hip extension, prone hip extension,  front plank with hip extension, and gluteal squeeze produce more gluteus maximus EMG amplitude than any other exercises. 

If you want to know how to do it, which are the variations you can do for more g-max development check this link.

Exercise 2: Target Gluteus Medius

Gluteus medius is most untrained muscle by most of the people, which leads to increased risk of injury chances in the athletes.

One way or another, we all always train gluteus maximus but in the gluteus medius case, we almost forget to train it.

Because of injury chance is more in gluteus medius than any other glutes muscles, most exercises which are passed through EMG analysis is rehabilitation.

However, these exercises are also important in terms of lifting heavy resistance based gluteus medius exercises.

One study compared all the lower body exercises to check the highest activation of gluteus medius muscles.

They found that G-med activation during complex, multi-joint exercises is relatively low. However, they also discover the exercises which provide the high and very high level of gluteus medius activation. Check out below table for the exercises. 

Want Attractive Butt? Do these 3 intense Glute Exercises

                                        Exercise 3: Target Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus minimus is the mini version of gluteus medius and it is also smallest and deepest gluteul muscle.

Like gluteus medius, we never trained this muscle. For well development of any muscle, it is very important for us to train all of the head of any muscles.

Gluteus Minimus is also called as glute min, hips or hip abductor.

Because G_Med and G_min perform similar function, most of the time when you train G_med, you will also target G-min.

So, you should include those exercises which include thigh abduction, thigh internal and external rotation in order to hit both of these muscles.

Thigh Abducting Exercises
  • Seated hip abduction machine
  • Multi-hip machine thigh abduction
  • Low pulley thigh abduction
Thigh Internal/External Rotation Exercises
  • Lying and Seated Hip Internal Rotation
  • Standing Cable External Rotation

Sample 6 Week Glute Training Workout

Want Attractive Butt? Do these 3 intense Glute Exercises

Glute Ham Raise



Band Hip Thrusts



Bulgarian split squats



Side Lying Hip Abduction



Low pulley thigh abduction



Standing Cable External Rotation



This is the sample 6 week glute training workout, follow this and you'll definitely see some decent changes in your glutes.

You can also change exercises with different variations, if you found it easy after 4 weeks.

if you want to download this as a pdf file format click here. In PDF, I also Include the super-sets for the glute training which you can include in this workout to increase intensity of it.

Final Thoughts

There are many exercises and variations you can include in your glutes workout in order to maximise your gains. This is just a small list of it, feel free to change the exercise, if you found it easy or difficult.

I hope, you like these 3 intense glute exercises for having an attractive and well-developed butt.

If you've amazing butt or having a struggle in developing it, let me know in the comment section. I would love to hear from you.