How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

For the movement, you entered into the gym, you don't want to cut your excessive fats but also want to build some muscle mass.

But, we ended up with nothing. 

Do you know why right?

Because we don't know nothing to little knowledge about building muscle mass especially beginner and may be intermediate level fitness freaks.

There are many articles on the internet but this article will be the updated guide for it.

So, in this article, I'm going to share all the necessary steps you should follow to build muscle mass and hypertrophy.

Before knowing actual ways it is important to know how our body build muscles. because from that you will come to know about your own best way to build muscle hypertrophy and mass.

How our Body Build Muscle Mass(Muscle Growth)

There are over 600 skeletal muscles in our body and when they contract, brain send a signal to them trough motor neurons.

This motor neurons help you to fire your muscle fibers to lift heavy weight.

Whenever you lift any light or heavy weight, your muscle fibers will damage depend on the weights.

How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

You may be thinking that why  I tell you this? Because this is the basic of building Muscle Mass and How to grow them.

In order to increase your muscle mass, your protein intake should be more than your daily protein requirements.

Because Protein is made up with 20 amino acids and these acids will help you to repair your damage muscle fibers.

And, this process is called "PROTEIN SYNTHESIS".

So, when this rate of protein synthesis exceed the protein breakdown(damaged muscles) then we will create muscle mass.

This process isn't working while you're doing workout, it's working while you're doing rest.

So, having proper rest(sleep) is also important factors while building muscle mass based on this study.

Important Factors for Muscle Growth(Hypertrophy)

Biological factors affects a lot when it comes to muscle hypertrophy, however, nutrition and training variables can affect muscle hypertrophy.

How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

1. Testosterone

This is the most important hormone for building muscle mass. 

Testosterone has effects on muscles, however it also interact with the receptors on neurons and increase the amount of neurotransmitters released, and increased muscle size.

According to one study done by Griggs RC and his colleagues shows that testosterone increases muscle mass by increasing protein synthesis which is known as repairing muscle fibers.

They performed this study on 9 male subjects for 1 to 12 week and found that testosterone increased muscle protein synthesis in all subjects by 27%.

Taking additional testosterone, as in anabolic steroids, will increase results. 

It is also considered a performance-enhancing drug, however, it isn't recommend to take it by professional trainers.

In addition to Testosterone, In 2010, Brad Schoenfeld outlined the variables associated with muscle hypertrophy which influenced the muscle growth.

2. Mechanical Tension

Now!You know how body grow muscles right? 

So, it is easy for you to understand all these factors which contribute muscle growth.

The Mechanical Tension simply means the amount of load or weights you put on your body/muscles.

In order to have muscle growth, you should change your workout plans at every 6-10 weeks.

Because when you follow same plan for more than 10 weeks, your muscles are adapted with that and you will hit pleatue.

This will restrict your muscle growth, so change your the tension you applied to muscles every week.
which I'll show you in this article how can you do that so Read on!

You don't need to lift heavy to disturb muscle integrity. Just stick to same plan but change reps, volume, intensity every week.

So, this way, you will have different stress on muscles thus increase muscle mass.

3. Muscle Damage

I know, you loved the pain or soreness after the workout. Actually, it's a good thing for hypertrophy.

However, killing yourself to just feel pain or soreness isn't a good thing because you ended up with over-training or injury.

That's why, most trainer recommend to do failure sets once in a while, so you can have the benefits of muscle damage.

The body releases immune cells to the damaged tissues, leading to a growth response that strengthens the muscle in the event a future stress of that nature is placed on the tissues.

therefore, promoting hypertrophy.

4. Metabolic Stress

For many people this word may be new but trust me! You felt this stress if you're doing gym for more than 6 months.

Let me simplify this word for you!

Metabolic stress means the feeling of muscle fullness after the workout or exercise.

This stress increases the cell swelling around the muscles for short period of time, which helps to contribute muscle growth for long period.

Tactics for Building Muscle Mass

Our primary goal is building muscles so, for that we have to consider several things  when designing the program.

  • Choice of exercises
  • Order of exercises
  • Number of sets
  • Resistance(Weights)
  • Rest between sets
  • Tempo
  • Frequency
  • Training Splits
  • Periodization 
There are many things in each training variables so let's discuss the best training variables for building muscle hypertrophy and mass.

How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

Choice of Exercises

If you're a beginner then you might know about the different choice of exercises.

Don't worry! There aren't many!

  1. Primary Exercises
  2. Assistance Exercises
  3. Multi-joint exercises
  4. Single-joint exercises
  5. Exercise equipment
The most of the exercise, you're doing in the gym is the primary exercises or you can say that the "GOLDEN 5" as a best primary exercises.

Most of the primary exercises are always multi-joint exercises like squats, dead lifts, pull-ups and bench-press.

Assistance exercises are the exercises for muscles which helps the primary muscles while lifting. Single joint exercises are also similar to assistance exercises or we can called them as a "Isolation" exercise.

If you want to build muscle mass then you should be involved all the types of choice in your program or change the type of choice every week.

Primary exercises

Assistance exercises
Knee extension
Leg curl
Leg press
Chest fly
Bench press
Deltoid lateral raise
Military press
Biceps curl
Barbell row
Triceps extension
Power clean
Wrist curl
Calf raise

Order of Exercises

How the specific exercises that make up a single workout are ordered will determine not only the effectiveness of the workout but also the particular adaptations that the program imparts. 

Therefore, the order in which exercises are performed must correspond with the specific training goals.

When it comes to building muscle mass, multi-joint exercises should be performed first with isolation exercises performed later in the workout. 

The multi-joint exercises help to build muscle size because it is possible to train with heavier weight on them.

An exception to this rule involves a common bodybuilding technique known as pre-exhaust. 

This technique involves the use of single-joint exercises before multi-joint exercises in an effort to exhaust a particular muscle group so that it becomes the weak link in the multi-joint exercise.

So, go for failure for once in a while to feel that burned in muscles.

Number of sets

The number of sets are changed with the goal.

However, it is generally accepted that multiple sets are more beneficial for developing strength and muscle mass. 

In fact, this stance is supported in guidelines set by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (Pearson et al. 2000) and the American College of Sports Medicine (Kraemer et al. 2002).

Single sets are effective for building strength for beginning weightlifters but changing number of sets with every exercise are most recommend by trainers.


Resistance should be the most important factor for you, no matter what is your goal.

A fitness trainer or a person should know the amount of resistance, he/she should need to achieve particular goal.

If you're a power-lifter or Olympic weight lifter then it would be easy for you to chose weight based on your 1 RM.

But what about US(Bodybuilders and Fitness enthusiasts)?

You can select your weight based on your repetitions.

First of all find out your 1 RM, and then select 70 to 80% of weight and train it between 8 to 12 rep range for enhance muscle hypertrophy.

Rest Between Sets

How long a weightlifter should rest between sets is dependent on numerous factors. 

These include the resistance being used, the goals of the lifter, and the metabolic pathways that need to be trained.

When training for muscle hypertrophy (which is best attained with reps in the range of 8 to 12), shorter rest periods appear to be the most beneficial.

Resting less than three minutes between sets stresses the anaerobic energy systems, and this is often recommended for bodybuilding training.

This is because fatigue is believed to play some role in the pathways leading to muscle growth. 


If your tempo isn't perfect, while lifting, you should change your speed of lifting. Because tempo also matter while lifting.

slow to moderate repetitions with a sub-maximal weight are better for producing adaptations in muscle endurance and hypertrophy as the time the muscle is under tension is increased. 

As an example, using a weight that is about 30 to 45 percent of 1 RM to do three reps as fast as possible builds speed strength (power) and has little effect if any on muscle hypertrophy or endurance.


The frequency at which muscle groups are trained can be more critical than any of the acute variables of training discussed previously. The reason has to do with recovery. 

It is generally accepted that you should wait until a muscle has recovered from a previous workout before training the muscle again. 

Muscle recovery, however, is an individual thing that is influenced by factors such as lifting experience, intensity of the workout, and total volume. In most instances it is best to get 2 to 7 days of rest for each muscle group.

Training Splits

  • Weekly Splits
  • Whole-Body Training
  • Upper- and Lower-Body Training
  • Two-Day Training Split
  • Three-Day Training Split
  • Four-Day Training Split
  • Five-Day Training Split
  • Twice-a-Day Training Split

Regardless of whether the goal is to increase power and strength or muscle growth, periodization (or cycling) is a necessary method for making continual progress. 

Only by cycling the training phases is it possible to keep the muscles adapting and prevent them from stagnating. Fortunately, numerous periodization methods can be employed.

These include classic linear periodized schemes, reverse linear schemes, and undulating schemes.

So while any one periodization scheme will provide sufficient variability in the training program, using different periodization schemes promotes training variability and progress.

After reading this variable you may confused which is the best for muscle mass or hypertrophy right?

Which is the Best Rap Range?

your goal is to maximise muscle mass, then your most important rule has to deal with taking
all sets to muscle failure. 

Although the sweet spot for muscle growth is said to be in the range of 8 to 12 reps, newer research from McMaster University in Canada suggests that the amount of weight and rep range used may not matter as much as once proposed as long as sets are taken to muscle failure.

the smartest plan of attack is to cycle through a variety of rep ranges from very low (3-5 per set) with heavy weight to very high (20-30+ per set) with light weight, and a multitude of rep ranges in between, such as 6 to 8 per set, 9 to 11 per set, and 12 to 15 per set.

Programs for Building Muscle Mass

Building muscle mass takes considerable time and consistency in the gym. But one problem that arises from consistency is that the muscles quickly adapt to a workout when it is used for too long. 

To prevent muscle adaptation from turning into stagnation, you need to frequently expose your muscles to different training techniques. 

Having numerous techniques to draw from allows you to continually provide new training stimuli to your muscles for optimal growth.

How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

  • Programs That Manipulate Sets
  • Programs That Manipulate Repetitions
  • Programs That Manipulate Load
  • Programs That Manipulate Rest Periods
  • Programs That Manipulate Exercises Selection
  • Programs That Manipulate Training Frequency

While Building Program for Muscle mass and Hypertrophy, you should change your program style every week in order to stop muscles to go into the stagnation mode.

You can change your programs by changing sets, reps, resistance, rest periods, exercises and training frequency.

By doing this, your muscle will have different type of volume and intensity every week which makes them grow.

Type of Sets

  • Super-sets
  • Compound sets
  • Tri-sets Training
  • Giant Sets
  • High Intensity Training
  • Nubret Pro-Set Method
Different Type of Resistance Programs

  • 5-10-20 Method
  • Finished Pump Method
  • Hundreds Method
  • 50-50 Methods
  • 21s Method
  • Four Rep system
  • Forced Repetitions
  • Negative Repetitions
  • Slow Repetitions Training
  • Speed Set Training
Different Type of Load

  • Heavy and Light Method
  • Triangle Method
  • Rack Pyramid Method
  • Inverted Pyramid
  • Oxford Method
  • Breakdowns
  • Drop-set Training
Different Type of Rest Periods

  • Rest Rundown
  • Alternating Rest-Pause Program
  • Quality Training
  • Power Circuit Training
Exercise Selection
  • Pre-exhaust Training
  • Extended-Set Training
  • Small-Angle Training
  • Barbell Blasting
  • One-Sided Training
  • Bookend Training
  • Push–Pull–Angle Training
  • Big Band Program
Training Frequency
  • Back-to-Back Training
  • Twice-a-Day Training
Most of you, don't know about the exercise selection, frequency, type of rest, sets and resistance program above mentioned.

Don't worry about it, check out this link for the best program to build muscle mass and hypertrophy.

The reasons, I explain all this to you is you can build your own workout after knowing all these things in future.

Best Nutrition for Building Muscle Mass

When it comes to maximizing muscle mass and strength gains, the general rules regarding nutrition are fairly the same.

Whether your goal is strength or building Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy, most of the time nutrition would be the same.

However, I divided this into 10 goals to achieve maximum muscle hypertrophy.

How to Build Muscle Mass and Hypertrophy: The Complete Guide (2019 Updated)

#1 Goal Focus on Protein

As you know, muscles are made from protein. 

So for building Muscle mass or hypertrophy, your protein synthesis should be more than protein breakdown.

Research in the lab and the gym confirms that the best way to do this is with a diet that gets you a minimum of 1 gram per pound of body weight (a little over 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight) and even closer to about 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight (about 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight).

Several studies support the notion that getting up to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight is effective for producing better gains in muscle mass.

The bottom line is that eating a higher-protein diet is effective for gaining more muscle and increasing muscle strength. 

Shoot for 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight for optimal results.

#2 Goal Get Enough Fat

When it comes to either building muscle mass or losing weight, people still consider taking lower amount of fats.

Fat is one of the important macro-nutrients for anyone who want to build muscles or strengths like protein and carbs.

There are few types of fats and you should take enough proportion of them in the diet.

One reason you need to take in adequate fat is that your body needs certain types of fat, such as omega-3 fat(Unsaturated Fat).

This type of fat has recently been found to be a critical player in muscle recovery and growth.

There is also a bad fats named as saturated fat and trans fat. 

That doesn't mean you should totally avoid it. One study also found that athletes taking saturated fats and mono-saturated fats maintain high testosterone levels.

A simple rule for fat intake is to consume half your body weight in pounds (or about your entire body weight in kilograms) in grams of fat.

So, if you weigh 200 pounds (90 kg), you would consume about 100 grams of fat per day, 33 percent of it as monounsaturated fat, 33 percent as polyunsaturated fat (mainly omega-3 fat), and 33 percent as saturated fat each day.

#3 Goal Manipulate Carbs

For maximizing muscle growth and strength gains while minimising fat gains, start off somewhere around 1.5 to 2.0 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight. 

Then you can either increase this amount if you find that you are not gaining mass rapidly enough and are not gaining any body fat. 

Similarly, you can also gradually lower this amount if you find that you are gaining too much body fat.

#4 Goal Count Calories

This is the biggest mistake people are doing, while following self made program.

Counting calories is one of the most critical factors to achieve any goal.

to maximise muscle mass, you should be eating more calories than you are burning each day. 

And, to maximise fat loss, you should be burning more calories than you are consuming.

#5 Goal Eat Frequently

Decades of experience show that bodybuilders who eat more frequent meals build more muscle. 

Just about every top-level professional bodybuilder consumes a meal every couple of hours. 

These are men who carry the most muscle mass in the world.

Few clinical research also supports this notion that more frequent meals better promote muscle growth.

#6 Goal Use Mixed Protein Powder

Using a protein powder can definitely help you get in your needed protein intake of 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

For the best protein powder, you definitely want to have some form of whey protein. 

Whey protein is a milk protein. Milk contains two primary types of protein: whey and casein. 

Whey is the soluble portion of milk protein, making up 20 percent of the protein, while casein is the globular portion and makes up the remaining 80 percent.

The Whey protein also divided into other three type of protein. 

  • Concentrate (protein bio-availability between 70 to 80%)
  • Isolate (protein bio-availability between 80 to 90%)
  • Hydrolysis (protein bio-availability more than 95%) 
However, with increased protein bio-availability, protein powder's price is also increase. 

So, if you can't afford isolate or hydrolysis type whey protein powder then go for casein and concentrate whey protein powder.

#7 Goal Use Different Type of Carbs Before and After Workouts

It should be obvious that before a workout you want to provide your body ample fuel to keep your muscles running as strong as possible for as long as possible throughout the workout.

you want to make sure that before workouts you provide your body a readily available source of glucose that will also last long into the workout. 

The best source of such a carb is a low-glycemic carb. Fruit works well because it is a low-glycemic carb and because most fruit is about half glucose and half fructose.

#8 Goal Supplements Before and After Workouts

The two most critical windows for supplying your body the nutrients it needs to grow bigger and stronger is the pre-workout window and the post-workout window. 

Getting the right nutrients right before you work out can have a significant impact on your muscle strength, energy levels, muscle endurance, and overall intensity of your training.

Plus it will prime your body for muscle growth when the workout is over.

Taking in the proper nutrients immediately after the workout will help to better replenish what was used up during the workout, aid recovery, and allow for better muscle growth and strength gains.

#9 Goal Cover Your Vitamin and Mineral Needs with a Supplement

Athletes and those who train intensely lose many critical vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, chromium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, and copper. 

This is due to a variety of factors, such as loss of the minerals in sweat and urine, as well as increased use for energy production during the workout and recovery and protein synthesis after training.

Even if you were careful to eat a well-rounded diet, you may not be getting adequate amounts of critical micro-nutrients.

#10 Goal Find What Works For You

The first nine rules work very well for most people.

However, maybe you are that one person who doesn’t respond so well to a few of these goals.

Maybe your schedule doesn’t allow for frequent meals. Maybe you’re a vegan, and dairy-based protein powders are not on your diet. 

Whatever it is, use these goals as a guideline, but stick only with the ones that work for you. 

Take these goals and adapt them to your schedule and your body, or find ones that work better for you, or create your own. 

You have a unique biochemistry, and not everyone reacts the same way to food or training. Be your own guinea pig. If something works for you, it doesn’t matter whether or not it works for anyone else.

Final Thoughts

From this complete guide of building muscle mass and hypertrophy in 2019, I believe you'll build your own workout and diet plan.

There may be few other factors that are considered by other trainers but This all factors works very well for me and my clients.

Hope, that works for you well!!

If you found this guide useful, feel free to share it with all of your friends.

If you have any question and want any guidance of making diet or exercise plan, let me know in the comment section.
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